What you cut out becomes part of the story you tell.

Everybody who made it through adolescence is a hero.

Nobody wants to see the village of the happy people.

I've been asked to direct pilots for a lot of shows.

I think all my Star Trek movies are very earthbound.

Good dialogue illuminates what people are not saying

Every movie has its complexities and its challenges.

I want to be influenced by the world not TV or film.

I never set out to write a script that is 'topical.'

I have always got medicine I want to give to people.

The last day of your life is still going to be a day.

A script is not a piece of literature it's a process.

I finally achieved my dream by being a TV showrunner.

We can't run from who we are; our destiny chooses us.

After all, the wool of a black sheep is just as warm.

Don't give me songs, give me something to sing about!

I grew up watching Steven Spielberg and scary movies.

A good romantic comedy is my favorite movie to watch.

I've always shot on film, but the times are changing.

Disney usually doesn't do pitches for original ideas.

Every since high school I've been drawn to magazines.

I don't read work emails after 7 P.M. or on weekends.

To lead or to parent means not being liked sometimes.

Expect the unexpected, is what I'd say about 'Taboo.'

Talent is less important in filmmaking than patience.

If you want to be free, all you have to do is let go.

I can't imagine directing from someone else's script.

I do tend to be on the more optimistic end of things.

A script is not a piece of literature, it's a process.

Blanket cynicism toward government has always existed.

A schizophrenic war is not an easy thing to deal with.

Fun is fun but no girl wants to laugh all of the time.

Original movies of any size are an endangered species.

I'm not a religious person, but I prefer God to money.

I could have had class. I could have been a contender.

For me, hip-hop has always been black superhero music.

When one man says, “No, I won’t,” Rome begins to fear.

The jingling of a fat purse always commands the world.

To enjoy being famous, you need to have a screw loose.

I was about 15 years old when I moved to the Bay area.

I think I always felt like an outsider, like a weirdo.

I love fatherhood. I could bang on about kids forever.

For every horrific event, something beautiful happens.

I think our show is very different from Orange County.

Identity is something that you are constantly earning.

We have done the impossible. And that makes us mighty.

I have a desperate longing to have a desperate longing

I love TV in a way that I don't love any other medium.

If I weren't a film maker, I'd probably be a handyman.

If I can make a living as a writer, I can do anything.

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