Ditch the dream and be a doer.

I'm an enormous Tim Burton fan.

I'm a blue Powerade man myself.

Even monkeys fall out of trees.

Time does not die; only people.

I'm the barbarian of Hollywood.

You can't take the sky from me.

Remember to always be yourself.

Always maintain your composure.

Seeing does not always believe.

People cant help how they look.

Upfronts are all about ad sales.

He is the cheese to my macaroni.

You can tell a lot in shorthand.

I write to give myself strength.

Upgrade' was a hard one to make.

Complaining is an insult to God.

It was lights, camera, inaction.

We read to know we're not alone.

I like actors - I used to be one.

I graduated from college in 1980.

We all go a little mad sometimes.

Women all live a double standard.

I love watching audiences scream.

I miss my mother very, very much.

We write to know we are not alone

Creative freedom is a huge carrot.

Memory is more indelible than ink.

I was not a big comic-book reader.

I know I screwed up my 'Godzilla.'

I think art breaks down otherness.

Time is the fire in which we burn.

I like death. I'm a big fan of it.

A boy's best friend is his mother.

If the apocalypse comes...beep me!

Stoners are cute; junkies are sad.

Is man, indeed, a walrus at heart?

I only have one idol: John Lennon.

All the animals come out at night.


Never argue with a drunk or a fool.

I'm a believer in paying your dues.

Modern man is a hard-working human.

When all else fails, throw a party!

Aubrey Plaza is absolutely amazing.

In Hollywood you just fail upwards.

Taste has nothing to do with style.

Surviving is the only glory in war.

Does this boat go to Europe, France?

The end is built into the beginning.

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