I enjoy being a girl.

Gotta get up and try.

I'm a private person.

I had lots of breaks.

I love writing songs.

I love Janet Jackson.

I'm a total goofball.

I work out every day.

I'm a bit crazy, yes.

Enjoy every sandwich.

I wish I sang better.

I like 'Rocky Horror.'

I'm not a jazz singer.

I lead a charmed life.

I'm a bargain shopper.

Being hot never hurts!

Poor is the new black.

I'm in my dream world.

I still bite my nails.

I love being creative.

Live music is healthy.

You mean, like a book?

I'm not a betting man.

I don't play the tuba.

Well, I like shopping.

I write in the studio.

Never forget to dream.

I worry unnecessarily.

Love is a battlefield.

Quiet IS the new loud.

Grief isn't all tears.

Honesty is always hip.

I brake for brunettes.

I carry lots of guilt.

Manuka honey is magic.

I love classical jazz.

I love North Carolina.

Dylan can do no wrong.

Conforming is not cool.

Soul music is timeless.

I'm much healthier now.

Yeah, I'm an open book.

I am a clinical zombie.

I'm a work in progress.

I quite like androgyny.

Success is like a drug.

Dynamic benign neglect.

I live in the extremes.

I love Velveeta cheese.

Fame attracts lunatics.

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