I love Janet Jackson.

I would love to do a record with Usher.

Honestly, I think dating is hard. Period.

I've had the honor to be in sessions with great artists.

People inspire me to write, the good ones and the bad ones.

I just want to give people the best album that I possibly can.

Growing up, I always wanted to be a singer, and Ive done that.

I have a hard time getting over an ex. Getting over an ex is just hard, period.

My label, my team and I are always looking to get involved with positive things.

I feel like R&B is really based off of emotion and truth. R&B is a conversation.

Conversation without you trying to be sexy can still come off as very sexy. Trust me!

I wanna be able to stand on the stage and hold out the mic and people sing all the lyrics to my song.

You always hear how female artists don't get along, how they hate each other - but that hasn't been my experience.

You should find the dopest producer in your area, and that producer is always going to want songs written to his beat.

I did Showtime at the Apollo when I was 10, and it was the first time that Id ever performed on TV, and it felt great.

I did 'Showtime at the Apollo' when I was 10, and it was the first time that I'd ever performed on TV, and it felt great.

I've learned over the years to appreciate God's timing, and you can't rush things; it's gonna happen exactly when it's supposed to.

I'm a perfectionist to a default. I will drive you crazy sometimes. When I'm recording, I will try something a trillion times to get it right.

I swear I pick up little gems from every artist that I work with. That's why I'm so appreciative that I've been able to be a songwriter first.

I think men and women will both agree that one of the perks of being single on Valentine's Day is that you get to keep your money in your pocket.

Every year of my life, my dad has sent me a Valentine's Day gift. Whether I was in the same house or across the country, he always sent something.

No matter what you go through, if it's the truth, 9 times out of 10, somebody else has been through the same thing or is currently going through the same thing.

A lot of times, you get into it with your significant other, and you feel like, 'Oh my God, you are acting crazy.' I've heard that before - I'm sure a lot of us have!

Writing for yourself is like exposing your diary. It can be a little embarrassing at times, but if it helps somebody get through the day just by hearing a song, it's well worth it.

Music is emotional. Your job is to make people feel something. The best way to do that is to sing and speak from something they've personally been through. That's where I write from.

A lot of women want to be married and have kids one day, but before we get there, it's so important to establish who you are, find yourself, and live in that for a minute before you become somebody's wife and mother.

You do try to write songs that you feel like people can relate to and you try to be as honest as you can so that people hear your records and they feel like, "Oh, my god. This is exactly how I feel. I went through this."

Breakups are still uncomfortable, period, and especially when you really are in love with somebody. They are not the easiest things to deal with, and once you break up, you're trying to get used to not being with that person.

I went on tour with Beyonce when I was in Rich Girl and that was... something I will tell my kids for years and years and years to come. That's like saying, 'I toured with Michael Jackson.' That will be something I will forever cherish.

I haven't always been good at flirting, but I've learned that flirting is all about confidence. I don't think it's about being sexy at all; it's just about having enough confidence to walk up to somebody and have a conversation with them.

I think in my life I have so many things that changed so much with work and my career, and I don't really get to plan out a lot of my days. So when I have something that's familiar - just something that's there - I don't really like to switch it up.

If I'm writing for a particular artist, I definitely think about their past records, pay attention to the type of tempos that they like. If I have the privilege of actually being in the session with the artist, I just like to have a conversation with them.

One thing that was really dope for me was that my dad had a '78 Corvette, '78 or '76 Corvette all my life. It always needed to be fixed up. I remember it's just been sitting in the driveway for years, and I got it fixed from top to bottom for his birthday.

My favorite song I ever wrote is 'Yeah 3x' because it was my first placement. It was with a great artist, Chris Brown, and I couldn't believe it at the time. Honestly, I still can't really believe it! It is the first time someone ever gave me a shot, so that is my favorite.

For me to give my advice to somebody who's thinking about going back to an ex or keeps on going back to their ex, you'll know when you're done. You'll know when you're finished with that person. You'll know when you're over them and ready to move, but nobody else can tell you that.

I feel like everyone has a preference. You have women who don't like shorter guys. You have women who like taller guys. You have women who like heavier men. You have women who like smaller men. It's the same thing with men. You have men who prefer lighter women and men who prefer darker women.

I went back to my ex a couple of times, and regardless of how many times you hear from your parents or your best friends or whoever that 'Oh, you should let it go and be over it and let him go. Move past it and find somebody new.' Regardless of the advice that you're given, you kind of have to do whatever makes you happy.

I know, for me, that I have always been very conscious of how I dress when I go to the studio, I'm very conscious of my body language when I'm working - a lot of times, I'm the only female in the room. It's a very male-dominated profession. I'm always around guys. Guys are going to try you all day, and they're going to flirt all day.

To hear an artist be transparent is one of the greatest things they could ever do for their fans. I love that, when I see my fans on the road we have real conversations and it's not even that I do it as some big ploy to have album sales. I do it because it's important for them to understand who I am. So, whatever backlash comes along with me being transparent, there's nothing I can do about it.

I think when you commit to somebody, and you take them off the market, right, I think it is your job as a woman or as a man to ... I don't think you should ever say no. I'm talking about if you're tired or somebody's like 'I'm tired.' No, because at the end of the day you took that person off of the market. They can't go and be with someone else because they're with you. So, don't you ever say no.

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