Art is the child of imagination and gives life.

I can count on one hand how many people I trust.

I'm in a monogamous relationship and very happy.

Who knew that being an artist was a glamour job?

What you put on your wall should be inspiration.

Lucky for me, as old as I am, I can still change.

God, I've frozen my ass off painting snow scenes!

Jazz can be a blank canvas full of possibilities.

I have 137 pairs of shoes and 200 pairs of jeans.

It's impossible for artists to accept compliments.

When you lose your simplicity, you lose your drama.

I don't want to always be doing the same old thing.

Art is our weapon. Culture is a form of resistance.

I met Obama once, backstage at the Apollo in Harlem.

One's art goes as far and as deep as one's love goes.

The personal is the political. That's an old tagline.

My aim is to escape from the medium with which I work.

When I grow up I would like to be an artist in France.

Creative thinking inspires ideas. Ideas inspire change.

Believe in yourself. And stop trying to convince others

Why does the feeling of emptiness occupy so much space?

Believe in yourself and stop trying to convince others.

Don't let anything but your talent affect your success.

The public has a right to art ... Art is for everybody.

The transformation of the experience: that is pure art.

Believe in yourself and believe in love. Love something.

Ideas and art are the possibility of an answer tomorrow.

Children know something that most people have forgotten.

You mine your own past in order to get to know yourself.

I probably protect myself by not asking myself too much.

We work for that part of our vision which is uncompleted.

All photographs are far more important than any painting.

To make a photograph is already the first artificial act.

I'm interested in when language fails, when it is opaque.

Sometimes audiences love you because they get to boo you.

Don't overdo it, don't underdo it. Do it just on the line.

You start with an idea but then so many things can happen.

We've moved so much, and my life has been so inconsistent.

May your voice be loving enough to silence your own fears.

Walking this road without you to remake forgotten promises

My career has been a slow burn with many peaks and valleys.

The death of young musicians isn’t something to romanticize.

In total acceptance, almost everything becomes a revelation.

Fear is the reason for making art. It is a means to freedom.

Only by chancing the ridiculous, can I hope for the sublime.

I think one's art goes as far and as deep as one's love goes.

Python carries his loneliness in him as if he had eaten clay.

Because I'm always working on something, I'm always thinking.

No artist, if he has original talent, can paint like another.

The best reason to paint is that there is no reason to paint.

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