You are the mountain and the valley.

The longest hill must end in a valley.

I love the Valley. There's no attitude.

Let us not wallow in the valley of despair.

The highest virtue seems as low as a valley.

Silicon Valley is a mindset, not a location.

I didn't know anything about Silicon Valley.

There is no fear in Silicon Valley right now.

Shade and light are different in every valley.

Marriage is a journey. It's hills and valleys.

I'm a doofus from the Valley, a blue-collar guy.

There's a Hidden Valley ranch party in my mouth.

Bear Valley is the hidden treasure of the Sierra.

Verily we are from God, and to Him shall we return!

Half of Silicon Valley's got a little bit of autism.

At the core of Silicon Valley is a passion for 'yes.'

You go through life in a series of peaks and valleys.

China is to stock fraud as Silicon Valley is to technology.

My career has been a slow burn with many peaks and valleys.

Character is forged not on the mountaintop but in the valley.

The valley spirit never dies. It is called the mystical female.

It's in the valley of failure that we sow our seeds of success.

Look at what Silicon Valley has done - the advance of computers.

I've read 'Valley of the Dolls' at least four times. It's so epic!

We don't celebrate failure in Silicon Valley. We celebrate learning

There was a lovely bit of play which set Valley Parade alight again

Keep trying. It's only from the valley that the mountain seems high.

I grew up half in South Central and half in the San Fernando valley.

How green was my valley then, and the valley of them that have gone.

Something new will always be the source of growth in Silicon Valley.

My valleys are higher than most people's peaks. I stay at that level.

Silicon Valley is way more correlated with Nasdaq than anyone admits.

Before climbing the summits, you must first walk in the down valleys!

Poetry makes nothing happen. It survives in the valley of its saying.

God is the only one who can make the valley of trouble a door of hope.

O! Tril-lil-lil-lolly the valley is jolly, ha! ha! -Elves of Rivendell

I'm a Valley Girl. You can't get me out of the Valley, I'm still here.

Even in the valley of the shadow of death, two and two do not make six.

Silicon Valley is the best place to start a tech company in so many ways.

If you want to build a great company, get the hell out of Silicon Valley.

During the Tertiary period the whole valley of Mexico was one great lake.

When the petals of the heart unfold, fragrance spreads across the valley.

Learn to deal with the valleys and the hills will take care of themselves.

It's very hard to go to Monument Valley and not think of John Ford's films.

If a man cannot prove his religion in the valley, it is not worth anything.

As you go through life, you've got to see the valleys as well as the peaks.

I hope to someday live in a world where there are lots more Silicon Valleys.

If we hadn't put a man on the moon, there wouldn't be a Silicon Valley today

The game is full of peaks and valleys, the key is to avoid the Grand Canyon.

The growth of love is not a straight line, but a series of hills and valleys.

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