I don't wear jeans.

I wear jeans a lot.

I really love jeans.

I like jeans and t-shirts.

I hate jeans for no reason.

I'm definitely a jeans girl.

Not every man can wear jeans.

Dior jeans are one of my favorites.

Vintage stores are great for jeans.

I'm kind of a jeans and T-shirt guy.

I like jeans with sneakers or boots.

I'll never throw away my blue jeans.

She's the gal in the red blue jeans.

What if I were Romeo in black jeans?

I want to die with my blue jeans on.

I'm a jeans and T-shirt kind of girl.

I'm a jeans and t-shirt type of girl.

I was into Barbie and designer jeans.

I love wearing jeans. I live in them!

Jeans represent democracy in fashion.

I don't wear slacks, but I Iike jeans.

I wear pretty tight jeans in real life.

I'm a jeans, T-shirt, boots kind of guy.

I model jeans. You need a bum for those.

I like skinny jeans with Nikes or brogues.

I'm a part of the no-tight-jeans coalition.

My standard uniform is a T-shirt and jeans.

Every guy should own one good pair of jeans.

When it comes to white jeans, fabric is key.

Is there any more Room for me in those Jeans.

A mechanic is just an engineer in blue jeans.

I was the first to wear colored skinny jeans.

I'm more of a jeans and T-shirt kind of girl.

Even though jeans suit me, I never wear jeans.

I love a great pair of jeans and a nice blouse.

Levis are my go-to. Plain crew necks and jeans.

If my jeans could talk, they'd plead for mercy.

If my jeans could talk, would I be embarrassed?

I wear girls' jeans because I've got girl legs.

If I ever get married myself, it’ll be in jeans.

If I ever get married myself, it'll be in jeans.

Beauty is not defined by the size of your jeans.

I love jeans, T-shirts, boots, and tennis shoes.

I've always been a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy.

I have 137 pairs of shoes and 200 pairs of jeans.

You know me: jeans, T-shirts, boots, all the time.

I didn't wear jeans for, like, a decade of my life.

I've always been a jeans and a T-shirt kind of kid!

I wear American Apparel jeans every day of my life.

When I'm relaxed, jeans and a shirt are my uniform.

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