I love glamour.

Glamour is really fun.

I am committed to glamour.

I've always chased glamour.

I don't go for glamour roles.

Red lipstick is instant glamour.

I like glamour. Not afraid of it.

I wouldn't play glamour for glamour.

Short on glamour and long on tragedy.

There's no glamour in stupid mistakes.

I think glamour is synonymous with me.

Lingerie is that inner, secret glamour.

Glamour is just sex that got civilized.

To me glamour isn't about being sparkly.

I've never really known what glamour is.

Glamour looks eloquent but seldom talks.

The glamour of it all! New York! America!

I've never been a much of a glamour girl.

I don't find glamour and clothing relevant.

I advocate glamour. Every day. Every minute.

Old Hollywood glamour just seems, well, old.

I really like the relaxed glamour of the 70s.

Glamour is back, but with a minimalist touch.

We don't have glamour models in Canada at all.

I really like the relaxed glamour of the '70s.

Glamour is what I sell, it's my stock in trade.

Glamour is about feeling good in your own skin.

I don't like the glamour. I just like the game.

Glamour is when a man knows a woman is a woman.

Who knew that being an artist was a glamour job?

Well, I don't find glamour and clothing relevant.

Glamour is a very small aspect of being an actress.

I'm not addicted to drugs, I'm addicted to glamour.

I don't think tennis is a glamour game, not at all.

I love a little bit of glamour and I love tall girls.

Like charity, I believe glamour should begin at home.

I don't understand women who try to be glamour queens.

The whole point of movie glamour was - and is - escape.

You don't sign up to 'Trainspotting' expecting glamour.

I don't think I'm the one that invented glamour at all.

Most MBA graduates are hungry for intellectual glamour.

Glamour really has to do with good lighting, doesn't it?

Sometimes America gets tempted by the glitz and glamour.

I think glamour is a perception, and I am not against it.

It's the most unglamourous glamour business in the world.

The glamour of being forbidden must not be underestimated.

Seeing through glamour is easy. It's people that are hard.

Glamour to me is about remaining graceful and understated.

There's no glamour in Nirvana, no glamour at all, in fact.

Women more than men can strip war of its glamour and its out

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