Socially, I'm fine, and academically, I'm doing OK too.

Academically, I was thick. School wasn't bad, but I was.

I was never good academically. It was mainly my own fault.

I didn't do very well academically; I was always in the bottom class.

I didn't grow up watching films, as I was more academically inclined.

Genetic theories, I gather, have been cherished academically with detachment.

I don't know whether I much enjoyed education. I was not academically gifted.

I don't think anyone will deny that girls are academically superior as a group.

I was quite good academically. My uncles wanted me to go for the civil services.

I love Torrance Gibson. I love his talent. I love the fact he did well academically.

Some people are academically inclined, some vocationally and we shouldn't penalise the latter.

Do I think I'm under-educated? Academically, absolutely. I never took any exams, no O- or A-levels.

I wanted to do well academically. But it was equally important to do things in an effortless manner.

I wasn't academically successful. And maybe I've spent a lot of my career trying to make up for that.

At school I was really heavily dyslexic, so I really struggled academically with reading and writing.

I thought I was academically prepared for a major college, but I wasn't. Odessa gave me that preparation.

You cannot help but notice that schools that take music seriously tend to be more academically successful.

I have never gotten a B in my life. I would honestly be mortified if I got a B. I'm so academically driven.

I don't really know how music and comedy are similar. I try never to dissect it theoretically or academically.

We believe that Liberty will redefine what is considered an academically prestigious university in the future.

At school I was a disaster academically but being involved in drama helped me to find another pathway into things.

Both my parents wanted me to excel academically, like every other parent. They wanted me to pursue my higher studies.

Unfortunately, hardworking, academically gifted young people are kind of lazy when it comes to determining direction.

What other school in the country is top five academically and top five in football? There isn't one - except Stanford.

Girls are more academically powerful. They make the grades, they run the student activities, they are the valedictorians.

I was no great achiever at school, either academically or in the sporting field... I was always tending to be in trouble.

I found a certain kind of music congenial to me; it never occurred to me to write music that was academically acceptable.

I went to a private school, and I struggled academically. It was really disheartening to always be considered bad at that.

I've always enjoyed real work more than schoolwork. My mother will attest to that - she was always concerned about me academically.

Most people think footballers are thick. Some might be, academically, but they can see the game, strategically, tactically, in every way.

I was a weedy kid, not like one of those working-class men who can accommodate not being academically clever by physical strength and prowess.

If there are activists in Cosas and they do poorly academically, then they would be cited as examples as to why others should not be in Cosas.

I struggled academically in high school because it was hard to focus. It was hard to focus on those things that were other than artistic stuff.

I've always been incredibly proud of both of my parents and proud of the work I had done privately as a person, professionally and academically.

Colgate is the epitome of having it both ways. Academically, it ranks in the top twenty schools in the country, but it is also a famous party school.

When you're growing up with a learning disability, it shoots your confidence and belief in what you can accomplish academically; it really damages it.

We love high-end art, but when you're looking at high-end art in music, a lot of the time, it's appreciated academically, but you can't feel it as much.

It's been our goal as a program to always give our players the best opportunity to be successful, whether it's personally, academically, or athletically.

Academically I was never that great and I was not really into school. I don't know, I just really had a problem focusing but singing always came naturally.

I was a nerd academically. But I was also an athlete and a musician. I never wanted to be shut out of any situation. I think it was that more than anything.

Academically, I was never that interested. I skipped classes. My biggest dream was to have a coffee shop, but I had no idea how to get the money to do that.

You don't immediately adopt the values and the framework of this, the academically successful world, just because okay now you kids get to go to high school.

I like to think I'm pretty smart with what I was able to do academically, but whenever I get on the field I turn into the Incredible Hulk and I am unstoppable.

I went to a very academically competitive high school. So I was always quite studious and quiet, just to keep up with the other geniuses who were in my school.

I might not have been academically gifted - I was bad at maths, and science was a struggle - but I was good at English literature and became hooked on theatre.

All the rest of us - you and me and even the thousands of soldiers behind the lines in Africa - we want terribly yet only academically for the war to get over.

When I was young, I never thought I was going to be a writer! I was academically orientated and active at sports, but I didn't have one creative bone in my body.

I was spectacularly average at school, while my two brothers did really well academically. But my dad never said I didn't try hard enough. He knew I did my best.

I went to Columbia University because I knew I wanted to go to a school that was academically rigorous. I prided myself on getting good grades, but I also hated it.

I've lived with my dyslexia and gone on to have a successful recording career, but academically I never had a chance in hell because I didn't fall into that bracket.

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