Everything's so accelerated now.

Innovation accelerates and compounds.

Digital fluency can accelerate progress.

Never attempt to accelerate your progress

France has to accelerate in terms of reform.

I see Maradona every time he grabs the ball and accelerates.

Biology is now accelerating at a pace faster than Moore's Law.

The pace of change and the speed of war has greatly accelerated.

The training and equipping of Iraqi security forces should be accelerated.

Accelerating, dribbling, and creating opportunities are the DNA of my game.

I fear that CAFTA will accelerate the demise of these domestic textile jobs.

There's never been a better time than now to start or accelerate a greentech venture.

Gains in corporate profits depend in large part on accelerating global economic growth.

Everyone seems to be in a kind of accelerated time mode that is beyond their own control.

Our principal role as designers is to accelerate new ideas and the adoption of new ideas.

I like science fiction. I took all the accelerated classes in school. I'm kind of a dork.

People now feel time accelerating. Lists allow them to feel some sense of accomplishment.

He is accelerating all the time. That last lap was run in 64 seconds and the one before in 62.

Every time you accelerate - say by jumping up and down - you're generating gravitational waves.

I have these new policies toward my life, like 'I will not accelerate when I see the yellow light.'

I do love television. But the business is accelerating and people are not getting the chance to fail.

Nature's laws must be obeyed, and the period of decline begins, and goes on with accelerated rapidity.

Companies hire a lot during boom times because they're trying to adequately accelerate into the future.

We believe PremiumBeat will accelerate our mission to make licensable music accessible to every creator.

When things begin accelerating wildly out of control, sometimes patience is the only answer. Press pause.

The ability to easily buy and sell Bitcoin has been a really key factor in accelerating Bitcoin adoption.

Biohackers want to tinker; do fun science; and, in the process, accelerate the pace of biotech innovation.

In the last century, as we learned more about genes, we were able to devise ways of accelerating evolution.

We see opportunities in the networking and telecom space, including 5G, where we see accelerated investments.

A big part of my job is to accelerate our ability to bring innovative products to our customers more quickly.

ObamaCare has accelerated many of the detrimental trends doctors see in their profession, and introduced new ones.

Given the accelerating velocity of history, we should begin charting deliberately the next phase in its trajectory.

My personal view is the true long-term storage is mineral carbonates, which is some form of accelerated weathering.

The central focus of what we are doing at the Fed is to keep inflation from accelerating - and preferably decelerating.

It seems like the chaos of this world is accelerating, but so is the beauty in the consciousness of more and more people.

The Egyptian experience suggests that social media can greatly accelerate the death of already dying authoritarian regimes.

The world has accelerated to the point that, as far as the album as a form, I don't know if it's going to last that much longer.

We know that the expansion of our universe is accelerating, which means a number called the cosmological constant must be positive.

Incorporating genetics into a platform with the reach of ResearchKit will accelerate insights into illness and disease even further.

Driven by the vision to power a greener tomorrow, Suzlon has leveraged its focus on technology to accelerate action against climate change.

Civilization depends on our expanding ability to produce food efficiently, which has markedly accelerated thanks to science and technology.

Our understanding of the human brain can be dramatically accelerated if we collect and share research data on an exponentially wider scale.

I'd hate to see new housing building accelerating while taking down buildings where there's 50 people living in rent-stabilized apartments.

Even during a sprint, I can occasionally still accelerate. I am so fit that I can accelerate during a acceleration, like making a new start.

The world is getting so reality-driven these days. It seems to be accelerating exponentially. But it's a dangerous game for a lot of people.

I believe we can accelerate our acumen, performance and success by leveraging our associations and spending time with people better than us.

The global realignment is accelerating the migration of growth and wealth dynamics from the industrial world to the larger emerging economies.

I can choose to accelerate my disease to an alcoholic death or incurable insanity, or I can choose to live within my thoroughly human condition.

The goal of Tesla is to accelerate sustainable energy, so we're going to take a step back and think about what's most likely to achieve that goal.

Enterprises are just starting to adopt and integrate the iPad into their networks, but this is accelerating, and that's an opportunity for Infosys.

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