I treat my acting career with a lot of respect.

I think my high-school acting career lasted a day.

My acting career helped pull me through the rough times.

The Monkees changed my life but ruined my acting career.

The beginning of my acting career was in London, England.

I don't know how I could have an acting career with this.

Poetry has, in a way, been my bridge to my acting career.

But it's hard to sustain a successful acting career today.

The whole of my acting career is a bit of a mystery to me.

I think I have been very lucky as far as my acting career goes.

Ever since I got married, my acting career has taken a backseat.

I'm not as focused on my acting career as I have been in the past.

I moved here to California when I was 13 to pursue my acting career.

Running has been great for keeping me fit throughout my acting career.

Still, it's tough trying to combine my acting career with my college career.

I still feel the affection of the fans that I get because of my acting career.

Anyone that has a music career and an acting career I think is pretty fantastic.

I want to have the same success in my acting career as I did in my boxing career.

I will always do stand-up, even if my acting career takes off. Stand-up is my life.

I gave up a long time ago trying to figure out what will happen in an acting career.

If I had come out during my acting career in the 1950s, I would not have had a career.

In my short acting career, I've been in incredible relationships with incredible women.

That pesky acting career has always gotten in the way of me doing something with music.

I'm in control of things happening in my aviation career. And I'm not in my acting career.

I was aiming for an acting career in 40. I never thought I would get recognition so early.

I am very happy that in the second year of my acting career in Bollywood I got to do a biopic.

'Sacred Games' has actually turned out to be the most challenging experience of my acting career.

My acting career began at age three and my parents got me into it. I was in a McDonald's commercial.

I hope to continue building my acting career and work more on projects that fulfill my artistic thirst.

I think anger does fuel a successful acting career. To play the great roles, you have to learn how to blaze.

By the time I entered high school, I had forsaken academics altogether in favor of my burgeoning acting career.

I found at a certain point in my acting career that I was just bored. I had too much energy. I had too many ideas.

I thought my acting career was going to just last forever - and I didn't plan on it ending at 41, 42 years of age.

I had a lot of time to think in the service; I swore that, if I survived, nothing would keep me from an acting career.

The reason I haven't had kids yet is because I was so focused on my acting career, hoping I could get something to break.

I have the confidence to stay in my acting career for a long time because I have done all the titles other actors avoided.

I always had a real love of children's presenting, and I was lucky enough to do that and have an acting career alongside it.

I think it's really cool how J. Lo's been able to balance an acting career and a music career. That's something I strive for.

I moved to London when I was 18 to develop my acting career, but I still love going home to Ireland to recharge my batteries.

My acting career wasn't going where I wanted it to. I wasn't getting good parts. I got so bored with myself that I started writing.

One of the cruelest judgments sustained against me is that I have spoken out as a recovered alcoholic to stimulate my acting career.

I moved with my mom to Los Angeles for her to pursue her acting career, and she got a job casting atmosphere in some independent films.

When I came to Mumbai in 2005 for a holiday, I received work offers. So I decided to stay back and pursue a modelling and acting career.

People always ask me if I'm going to stop modeling because I have started an acting career. I hope to continue to model for years to come.

Ideally, that's what you've got in an acting career is an equal number of dramas and comedies and an equal number of small films and big films.

I might retire when acting becomes too hard on me physically, but I don't want to give up easily. I really want to have a long-term acting career.

I said, going into acting, 'I'm never moving to L.A.,' because it scared me. But there was no way you could build an acting career in Orange County.

I loved being on stage, but I told myself that if I didn't get into RADA, I wouldn't pursue an acting career. I did get in, though, and that was that.

Without my success in basketball, I'm nothing. My family, my daughter, my teammates, my foundation, my acting career - they all depend on that success.

Every time I've made a plan in my Hollywood acting career, something else has happened, so I've gotten out of the habit of trying to predict the future.

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