I consider myself much better adjusted than Gabriel.

I've become completely well adjusted to being a cult figure.

I come from a very straight and adjusted suburban background.

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.

I've adjusted to this, that my books are not going to get unanimously good reviews.

New Orleans just wasn't anything for me. I didn't fit in. I just couldn't get adjusted.

A well adjusted person is one who makes the same mistake twice without getting nervous.

I'm kind of embarrassed by how quickly I adjusted to L.A. I really love it. It's so pleasant.

I wasn't raised with money, so I had to get used to having it. I think I've adjusted to it pretty well.

It was a perfectly average well- adjusted childhood, not a bit unlike that of millions of other individuals.

I don't know any artists that are really emotionally well adjusted. In fact, I think we're all pretty much insane.

I've pretty much adjusted to how teams play. Like when I draw two defenders, I want to make the best play possible.

The spirit of democracy is not a mechanical thing to be adjusted by abolition of forms. It requires change of heart.

Any time I hear 'border adjustment,' I don't love it. Because usually it means we're going to get adjusted into a bad deal.

It's just so unfortunate that, as we get adjusted to this global economy, that the U.S. is even thinking about building walls.

My daughter was four when I married Mihir. I share everything with her and I respect her emotions. She has adjusted quite well.

I've never been known for being a team player, but I've adjusted to being part of a big cast and it has worked out beautifully.

Median wages of production workers, who comprise 80 percent of the workforce, haven't risen in 30 years, adjusted for inflation.

America's lifestyle expectations are far too high and need to be adjusted so we have less things and a smaller, better existence.

Congress has not raised the minimum wage since 1997. The minimum wage is now at its lowest level in 50 years adjusted for inflation.

I gained, like, 20 pounds in, like, two and a half, three weeks. So I just got too big too fast, and my body wasn't adjusted to that.

Sometimes you want to ease into the situation and maybe sit in the back row for a while and allow time to get adjusted and then speak up.

We all learn how to use the bodies we're born with, or learn to use them in an adjusted state, whether those bodies are considered disabled or not.

I think that is a universal adolescent feeling, trying to find your place. The adolescent who is perfectly adjusted to his environment, I've yet to meet.

A study of the history of wages back through the years indicates clearly that when the cost-of-living rises appreciably wages have shortly been adjusted upward also.

Music has become something different from the past, when it was one hundred per cent live. Throughout the twentieth century, it was recorded, and the medium adjusted.

In my experience, scientists are not always the most socially adjusted people, and may have habits and fascinations outside of their work that others might consider odd.

Like any working mother I find it hard to have a social life. But my kids are so well adjusted. There isn't a brat bone in their body so I haven't done anything that bad.

Though the first day of college was scary, I gradually adjusted to the environment and started enjoying myself with friends, lecturers, sports, and college day functions.

The hospital has adjusted itself in response to Covid-19, the influx of patients. So walking into the hospital, you immediately realize that you're playing a different ballgame.

My father was very abusive, and it was hard for my mother at first to leave because we had depended on him for so long. Sometimes you kind of get adjusted to getting that beating.

When you look at the money spent by labor unions for Democrats, it comes as no surprise the Democrats crafted a campaign-finance 'disclosure' bill with the thresholds adjusted to exempt unions.

I have a Husky named Blu. One would think, given his country of origin, that he would love a cold water bath, but he is a third generation Husky who has quite adjusted to the climate in Bengaluru.

The Gulf of Mexico, they believe, is a huge asteroid. That was an impact zone, you know that? Yeah, for that big a thing to actually hit our globe, it would have had to adjusted the spin, the axis.

At 6:30, which was when the national news began, my father raised the volume and adjusted the antennas. Usually I occupied myself with a book, but that night my father insisted that I pay attention.

The work-family divide is the biggest issue for American women. But in some ways it's amazing how adjusted society has become to it. In the 1970s, as women began to take more jobs, society was reeling.

People who aren't complicated in real life come through as pretty bland on the screen. Most great performers are not very happy and well adjusted. Perhaps that's the price they pay for being originals.

In South Florida, where there are so many beneficiaries, when Social Security isn't adjusted to reflect their increased costs, that affects their daily lives and their contributions to our local economy.

I had barely turned 12 when my parents packed me off to Doon School. I was transported to a world of confusion with 600 other kids, no home-cooked food, no made-to-order clothes. It was a shock, but I adjusted.

As a youngster as I was a centre-half, I liked being on the ball and coming out from the back. I took chances so I got put in midfield and then I was playing all over the pitch so adjusted wherever I needed to play.

I didn't think that college math was for me. I didn't think I'd be able to hack it. And that perception of math not being for girls, not being for girls who see themselves as socially well adjusted has got to change.

I've never wanted to get adjusted to my income, because I knew I wanted to go back to public service. And in comparison to what my mother earns and how I was raised, it's not modest at all. I have no right to complain.

Failed plans should not be interpreted as a failed vision. Visions don't change, they are only refined. Plans rarely stay the same, and are scrapped or adjusted as needed. Be stubborn about the vision, but flexible with your plan.

At No 3 you have to take a bit more time to find your feet, but at No 5 you take much less time to get adjusted because you have already observed your openers, the No 3 and No 4 batsmen and you get a fair idea of how the wicket is playing.

I think what's happened to America, in a cultural sense, is we stopped getting richer as a country in the early 1970s, but we haven't adjusted our consumption patterns in any way, shape or form to meet the realities of the new lower income.

And then as I frequently do, some times I'll peek out from underneath the focusing cloth and just look around the edges of the frame that I'm not seeing, see if there's something that should be adjusted in terms of changing the camera position.

In essence, the stock market represents three separate categories of business.They are, adjusted for inflation, those with shrinking intrinsic value, those with approximately stable intrinsic value, and those with steadily growing intrinsic value.

We participate and are responsible for a lot of the things that happen to us. If you hate your job, you are much more likely to get sick and die at a younger age than someone who's happy at work and has a nice family life and is mentally well adjusted.

Few people wear out before their time. Mostly they rust out, worry out, run out - spill out. A machine must have care and its different parts must be adjusted properly. No machine has ever approached the human machine. When it is right, it is in health.

I had been blogging for a few years when Jonah Straus, my now-literary agent, reached out to see if I'd consider writing a cookbook. At the time, I didn't feel ready; I was still getting adjusted to life in the upper Midwest, and I was still finding my recipe voice.

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