My aesthetic is very black.

I am a very aesthetic person.

Ethics and aesthetics are one.

Women are less aesthetic than men.

I'm very proud of Soviet aesthetics.

I like the aesthetics of the Church.

I'm an aesthetic person who loves beauty.

Rules of taste enforce structures of power.

Only men are capable of aesthetic greatness.

I always like that sort of tomboy aesthetic.

So much of my aesthetic was formed by my dad.

My aesthetic is that of the sniper on the roof.

I don't buy jewelry just for the aesthetic side.

Acting is an aesthetic career, which is annoying.

You can't buy vision, and you can't buy aesthetic.

Aesthetic delectation is the danger to be avoided.

Consider your house from an aesthetic point of view.

My aesthetic is, in short, 'cool substitute teacher.'

Novelty is a concept of commerce, not an aesthetic concept.

Form follows profit is the aesthetic principle of our times.

I couldn't put any kind of label on my production aesthetic.

I find the aesthetics of the 20th century hopelessly barren.

I get a real thrill for being 'overtly queer' in my aesthetic.

My aesthetic is I love anything in the late 1800s, early 1900s.

Being dead is the most airtight defense of one's own aesthetic.

Aesthetic isn't simply about good design for good design's sake.

There's something about fear and aesthetic that go hand in hand.

I'm interested in aesthetics, language, art, fashion, everything.

I think I just have a natural operatic aesthetic. I can't help it.

I was once described by one of my critics as an aesthetic fascist.

Light has an evident, functional and aesthetic impact on our lives.

There is no denying the aesthetics of a well-made, well-loved book.

I think I have a basic sound aesthetic that is in most of what I do

I think I have a basic sound aesthetic that is in most of what I do.

I'm sick of having red hair, but people seem to like that aesthetic.

My cultural identity is obviously a huge part of my design aesthetic.

All efforts to render politics aesthetic culminate in one thing: war.

No one is mediating aesthetic choices on an OPN album other than myself.

A rich poet from Harvard has no sense in his mind, except the aesthetic.

In terms of aesthetics, I probably look better than I did when I played.

I like going to Church for aesthetic reasons, rather than spiritual ones.

My parents' marriage was, on an aesthetic level, very pleasing to behold.

I like anything with my face on it, just from an aesthetic point of view.

I don't think that people should be confined to any particular aesthetic.

Almost all crime is due to the repressed desire for aesthetic expression.

I do not create a fashionable aesthetic... I create a style based on life.

I always loved aesthetics. Not particularly fashion, but an idea of beauty.

I find that movies tend to fix the aesthetics of a story in people's minds.

Aesthetic freedom is like free speech; it is, indeed, a form of free speech.

I am a person who holds the aesthetic high. I have suits made in Savile Row.

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