It's always easy to judge from afar

I always admired the Celtics from afar.

Oh never star Was lost here but it rose afar.

The forehead of every work must shine from afar.

I call it viewing from afar, they call it stalking.

Worship your heroes from afar; contact withers them.

I like to be admired from afar, and then complimented up close.

I've never been a stalker fan. I've always been a fan from afar.

On him who wields power gently, the god looks favorably from afar.

Seek not for fresher founts afar, just drop you bucket where you are.

Fame, like the river, is narrowest where it is bred, and broadest afar off.

Beauty and Genius must be kept afar if one would avoid becoming their slave.

The way is One and only One. The way is close at hand, but men seek it afar.

I think it's a very good thing to leave your country and look at it from afar.

Better good afarre off, then evill at hand. [Better good afar than evil at hand.]

Be strict with yourself but least reproachful of others and complaint is kept afar.

Our deeds still travel with us from afar, and what we have been makes us what we are.

Ah, who can tell how hard it is to climb the steep where Fame's proud temple shines afar?

I have admired Kevin Plank and Under Armour from afar. He has assembled an impressive team.

Some biometric methods can't be taken from a person from afar without his or her agreement.

George Booth and I are both funny, and from afar, without meeting, admired each other's work.

Books are the key. A book cannot be accessed from afar. You have to hold it, you have to read it.

We are always searching for God afar off, when all the while He is nearer to us than our own soul.

The New England Patriots have always been a special organization and I've always watched from afar.

The way is near, but men seek it afar. It is in easy things, but men seek for it in difficult things.

To look at ourselves from afar, to make the subjective suddenly objective: this gives us a psychic shock.

Looking at the earth from afar you realize it is too small for conflict and just big enough for co-operation.

A movie camera is like having someone you have a crush on watching you from afar - you pretend it's not there.

Everything foreign is respected, partly because it comes from afar, partly because it is ready made and perfect.

We are taking additional measures to ensure security and stability in Tal Afar and to restore its people's rights

I'm Canadian. I think that's it. When you're a Canadian, you're always watching America from the outside, from afar.

I should talk to him I know I should talk to him. But I do not talk to him. I watch after him from afar and love him.

Time past, present, and to come, as also depth and height, near and afar off, are all one in God, one comprehensibility.

Technology, you know. I'm pretty horrible. I use it, but mostly I like to view it from afar. But I'm still fascinated by it.

When you see something from afar, you develop a fantasy. But when you see it up close, 9 times out of 10, you wish you hadn't.

We neglect those things which are under our very eyes, and heedless of things within our grasp, pursue those which are afar off.

Praise follows truth afar off, and only overtakes her at the grave; plausibility clings to her skirts and holds her back till then

Work is its own best earthly meed, Else have we none more than the sea-born throng Who wrought those marvellous isles that bloom afar.

What will you do on the day of reckoning, when disaster comes from afar? To whom will you run for help? Where will you leave your riches?

People in Latin America... love America from afar and emulate America in some ways but also hate a lot of things that America does to them.

In the glory which overhangs Palestine afar off, we imagine emotions which never come, when we tread the soil and walk over the hallowed sites.

I grew up reading - and loving - stories by Andre Norton. I admired and idolised her from afar. Her stories helped shape my own internal world.

how seasonably leaf and blossom uncurl and living things arrange their death, while someone from afar off blows birthday candles for the world.

There is so much more to the things that we think we know from afar. The close you get the more complex it is, not the simpler it is to understand.

In the past, art was admired and revered from afar. Today, there is more of an interactive relationship between the art and the person who admires it.

Vlad decided that teachers' ideas were a lot like bunches of garlic-intriguing from afar, but up close sadly sickening and, if you weren't careful, DEADLY.

If education, culture, the higher life were shining things to be worshiped from afar, he had still a means left whereby he could draw one step nearer to them.

I don't believe love is fickle. I believe when you love someone, you are allowed to love from afar. You don't have to be with that person in order to love him.

Twinkle, twinkle, quasi-star Biggest puzzle from afar How unlike the other ones Brighter than a billion suns Twinkle, twinkle, quasi-star How I wonder what you are.

As my wise friend Didi has more than once observed about life's passages, every departure entails an arrival elsewhere, every arrival implies a departure from afar.

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