I have never belonged to a party. I don't have party affiliation.

I have never belonged to a party. I don't have party affiliation.

I love being able to be political without any political affiliation.

I don't consider myself ever joining. But I have affiliations, for sure.

I promised to have no partisan affiliation and no subsidy except advertising.

The 'Playboy' affiliation will probably stick for the rest of my life to some extent.

I have a great affiliation with the Catholic community having studied at convent schools.

I'm 100 percent Jewish by blood, but by education I'm nothing. By affiliation I'm nothing.

As an MP, my first duty is to act in the national interest, regardless of party affiliation.

My affiliation with England is borne out by the fact that I do come back for periodic visits.

It is different [to perform in Israel] because it arises from very deep wells of affiliation.

This is not about race or affiliation, and it isn't about black versus blue. All lives matter.

To be honest, I think affiliation is anathema - if you're a rock 'n' roller, you're a lone wolf.

Anyone with a gun can go out and commit an act of terrorism, even without a political affiliation.

Your race and gender don't change, but you can choose to change your political affiliation at will.

We shall say clearly that any symbol conspicuously displaying religious affiliation in school is prohibited.

The writer is the person who stands outside society, independent of affiliation and independent of influence.

Standing in support of children is something we should all be able to get behind, regardless of party affiliation.

I plan to work my utmost for Singaporeans, whatever be their political affiliation. The presidency is above politics.

Ours was a family of engineers with no political affiliation; art and culture were the only things that we discussed at home.

Whatever my party affiliation, I will continue to be guided by President Kennedy's statement that sometimes party asks too much.

If the media isnt slanted toward the Left, why is everyone so worried about my affiliation with Glenn Beck but not with Alec Baldwin?

If the media isn't slanted toward the Left, why is everyone so worried about my affiliation with Glenn Beck but not with Alec Baldwin?

I have been unable to live an uncommitted or suspended life. I have not hesitated to declare my affiliation with an extremely unpopular cause.

I've always had a natural affiliation with nature. If I wasn't an actor, I'd be some sort of biologist working in the field in Africa or something.

More than my political affiliation, I consider myself a hellraising humanitarian. Hell raising in the sense that I don't just go along to get along.

Whatever your partisan affiliation, it is worth considering the overarching constitutional principles involved in any given Supreme Court precedent.

I think community service on its own is very simple, it's a lot less complicated than having a political affiliation to it, which I fully understand.

Georgians aren't interested in labels or affiliation, they're interested in solutions. And that begins by making Washington smaller and America bigger!

Many people who say they have no religion are simply saying they have no official religious affiliation. They may actually have strong personal beliefs.

My father, while touring Ramanathapuram, came to know about my affiliation with the BJP when newspapers carried articles about the new faces of the party.

Regardless of your belief, regardless of your religious affiliation, I don't care if you're an atheist, an agnostic, I don't care. We could all use good news.

Whatever your political affiliation may be, whether you are a conservative or liberal, we should all be bound by the belief that we need to support the troops.

While I unconditionally support the First Amendment, inciting violence against others due to their political affiliation is not constitutionally protected speech.

I hope that no American will waste his franchise and throw away his vote by voting either for me or against me solely on account of my religious affiliation. It is not relevant.

Truthfully, we don't want my Weezer affiliation to have any bearing on whether someone likes us or not. It's an entirely different thing. The Space Twins have our own chemistry.

Keep in mind, our demographics of our state, how it breaks down in terms of political affiliation: over half the people in this state chose not to align themselves with any party at all.

Statistics on religious affiliation are notoriously slippery: the government isn't allowed to gather such data, and the membership claims of religious organizations aren't entirely reliable.

I am a private citizen with no political affiliation - the recommendations Remain United will make are based on robust polling and scientific methodology never before used in an E.U. election.

Let them be reassured, it has never been one of our intentions to ban religion in society, but solely to protect the national education system from any conspicuous display of religious affiliation.

Well, your premise is correct, that we have to first guard against those who have an affiliation with terrorists and a connection, and so we have watch lists and systems that can make that connection.

There are people hell-bent on the idea that we're a Christian band in disguise, and that we have some secret message. We have no spiritual affiliation with this music. It's simply about life experience.

Regardless of your political affiliation, most people agree that Ronald Reagan was an American icon. He was a president of national significance and for that reason he deserves an honor in the nation's capital.

One's head is finite. You pour more and more things into it - surnames, chronologies, affiliations - and it packs them away in its tunnels, and eventually you find that you have a book about something that you publish.

WWE has a very strong affiliation with Make-A-Wish, and we can provide a great experience. It's extremely flattering that for one wish, a family would like to hang out with you. There's nothing more flattering than that.

Touch seems to be such an important tool for enhancing social cooperation and affiliation that we have evolved a special physical route along which those subliminal feelings of social connection travel from skin to brain.

I have people ask me if I'm going to convince my daughters to be Democrats, and I say, 'I have yet to convince my daughters to close a door.' I don't how in the world I would ever convince them to be in a political affiliation.

Regardless of political affiliation most of the policy/media world, as a subset of 'the educated classes' in general, tended to hold a broadly 'blank slate' view of the world mostly uninformed by decades of scientific progress.

As a black woman, my politics and political affiliation are bound up with and flow from participation in my people's struggle for liberation, and with the fight of oppressed people all over the world against American imperialism.

Irrespective of their party affiliation or wishes on the matter, those governing from 10 Downing Street now have to take on much of the aura and role of head of state. And this is bound to have heavy consequences for their family.

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