Agency presupposes choice.

Guys move around in free agency.

Every player looks forward to free agency.

I worked for a temp agency called Manpower.

We all exercise agency in the choices we make.

Traditional ad agencies have so much to unlearn.

The EPA is now the Employment Prevention Agency.

In whose wonder do you get to participate today?

No agency is better than its account executives.

The one governmental agency that has no ambition.

The agencies are the Walmarts of the welfare agency

Being broke is a very efficient educational agency.

We need more personnel within our security agencies.

I never put myself out there as an employment agency.

Words have ruined more souls than any devil's agency.

Motorcycles aren't about gaining agency, I don't think.

I don't think it's right to think ahead to free agency.

I am dead set against free agency. It can ruin baseball.

I don't have an agent - I have the William Morris Agency.

Black people have no reason to fear political free agency.

We have our own agency; we should be judged by our own work.

We are potentially the most dangerous agency in the country.

Free agency is free agency. I love when NBA players get paid.

A lot of my work concerns a crisis of agency - what can we do?

All human beings have a great agency for being part of a team.

We are on the threshold of a sea change in the agency business.

The military is a machine of war. Not a law enforcement agency.

Commerce is the agency by which the power of choice is obtained.

Today, credit rating agencies rate companies, countries and bonds.

My mother took my picture to a model agency and the rest is history.

The IRS isn't the only agency using taxpayer dollars for big bonuses.

We couldn't afford to move, so we decided to start up a model agency.

I think survival, with agency intact, is heroic for anyone or anything.

I don't want Droga5 to be the biggest agency; I want it to be the best.

War should never be entered upon until every agency of peace has failed.

There is a reason and a need to have an Environmental Protection Agency.

Me and Jason Kidd are with the same agency so I talk to him quite a bit.

An advertising agency is 85 percent confusion and 15 percent commission.

I went out to some advertising agencies and asked if I could do anything.

I play baseball. I don't deal with trades, free agency, any of that stuff.

I was the first child at four at a modeling agency, so I had an advantage.

No NSA director did as much damage to the agency as Gen. Michael V. Hayden.

I've got to play free agency out, and I've got to look at all of my options.

That's part of free agency. You can go where you want at the end of the day.

It makes no economic sense for the U.S. not to have an export credit agency.

To say that there is patriarchy in Arab culture is not denying women agency.

I believe that young kids have agency and can make a difference in the world.

When the FOIA law was first being discussed, every federal agency opposed it.

The timeline is kind of coming to an end as far as leading up to free agency.

I think the FBI is the premier law enforcement agency in all of human history.

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