Strength without agility is a mere mass.

I took obedience, agility, and shepherding with my dog.

Painting is something that takes place among the colors.

My agility is the CEO of the United Global Agility Corporation

Agility is fundamental to leading a team through times of change.

Speed, agility and responsiveness are the keys to future success.

I couldn't have been a great goalkeeper without power, agility and quickness.

Irony is a clear consciousness of an eternal agility, of the infinitely abundant chaos.

Drones, with their agility and small size, seem perfect for search and rescue operations.

I don't feel that no fighter has the mental or physical agility to match Floyd Mayweather.

The value of a Bismack Biyombo is the speed and agility that he has at the center position.

As an athlete, I used my speed, agility and quickness to go out and play against the big guys.

I love watching Crufts on the television, especially the agility tests; I find them very impressive.

Success today requires the agility and drive to constantly rethink, reinvigorate, react, and reinvent.

Lleyton Hewitt... his two greatest strengths are his legs, his speed, his agility and his competitiveness.

It is said that Obama speaks 'professorially,' a fact that understates the quickness and agility of his mind.

I prefer to fight a bigger guy. I don't like fighting smaller guys; they give me problems with their agility.

Innovation is key. Only those who have the agility to change with the market and innovate quickly will survive.

I thank those people that thought I had lost the agility to play shortstop, because they gave me more motivation.

For me speed and power is the most important thing on the footy field as well as agility which I work on everyday.

Every organization goes through a lifecycle where they eventually lose their initial speed or agility at a strategic level.

What sets baseball apart from other sports is the array of skills that every player needs: the speed, the power, the agility.

The pleasures of mental agility are much overstated, inevitably - as it now appears to me - by those not exclusively dependent upon them.

Cross fit, callisthenics, and weight training are a regular part of my workout regime. It's helped me a lot with my stamina, agility, and movement.

Agile methods derive much of their agility by relying on the tacit knowledge embodied in the team, rather than writing the knowleadge down in plans.

Fitness is the key. You need to have strokes and stamina and agility; you need to exercise really well. On-court and off-court are equally important.

I've got power and agility. I don't care if I'm not the biggest keeper; I've got the power and agility to get around the goal, and I'm very good at it.

CIA relies on a partner's focus, linguistic agility, and cultural depth; in return, the partner benefits from CIA's resources, technology, and global view.

What I tell a lot of the younger guys is, 'My speed isn't the same, my agility isn't the same, but yet I still can talk.' That's an extra defender out there.

I have always had good strength in my legs from working out with weights. I have also been riding a bike of some sort for most of my life and have good agility.

'Failing fast' is an important component of cultivating the agility needed for a development project along with continually rebalancing your innovation portfolio.

Responding to Britain's future challenges will require unceasing agility in seeking out new alliances and refurbishing old ones inside Europe, not just outside it.

God saves us because He loves us. It has nothing to do with our goodness or nobility, our achievements or agility. Our salvation depends completely upon our Savior.

I'm not the fastest guy, but when it comes to agility, getting in and out of cuts and seeing something and going to get it, I do my best to make sure that's on point.

Entrepreneurial Philanthropy is not just a philosophy or a dream. It is a promise that philanthropy is at its best when it is founded on entrepreneurial zest and agility.

Blockchain is really exciting technology because it's actually providing both transparency but also agility in a contractual relationship that any organization should have.

Sometimes the manager must perform with the courage and agility of a circus performer, carefully crossing the highwire between short-term problems and long-term objectives.

Our goal in making these changes is to enable Microsoft to achieve greater agility in managing the incredible growth ahead and executing our software-based services strategy.

I was captain and should have set the example. I would lift a minimum of weights. Mine was natural physical strength. I always thought quickness and agility were much more important.

I think I am different from most blind people because my agility is not that of a blind person - I don't shuffle my feet when I walk. In fact, I have no, as I call them, 'blindisms.'

Foreign policy will require a strategic agility that, whenever possible, gets ahead of problems, strengthens U.S. security and alliances, and promotes American interests and credibility.

Large organizations cannot be versatile. A large organization is effective through its mass rather than through its agility. Fleas can jump many times their own height, but not an elephant.

In order to stay healthy, recover quickly, and continue building strength and agility, I've combined different types of low-impact sports circuit exercises to maximize and expand my abilities.

To become an ace a fighter must have extraordinary eyesight, strength, and agility, a huntsman's eye, coolness in a pinch, calculated recklessness, a full measure of courage and occasional luck!

The past is an illusion. You must learn to live in the present and accept yourself for what you are now. What you lack in flexibility and agility you must make up with knowledge and constant practice.

I played basketball, baseball, and football. I never had much downtime. But I think playing multiple sports helped tremendously in my baseball career. I have the agility of all three combined into one.

Base Ball, to be played thoroughly, requires the possession of muscular strength, great agility, quickness of eye, readiness of hand, and many other faculties of mind and body that mark the man of nerve.

I went from being very athletic, one of the best guards in the NBA, to barely making it. No speed, no agility. I had to change how I played because I couldn't exercise or train because my knee constantly hurt.

For me, from day one, I don't think I realized that I was considered undersized, but I knew I was good. I had certain tools in my toolbox that other guys didn't have, like agility, quickness and explosiveness.

For sure it takes longer for bigger guys or tall guys to be really agile. Growing up, my dad and a few coaches always said that's the first and main priority for me, agility and quick feet, before getting strong.

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