AI cloud is just very, very nascent.

My dream is to achieve AI for the common good.

Even a cat has things it can do that AI cannot.

AI is creating tremendous economic value today.

I think of AI itself as a monster of capitalism.

I do think there should be some regulations on AI.

Science is going to be revolutionized by AI assistants.

AI is a tool. The choice about how it gets deployed is ours.

Software is eating the world, but AI is going to eat software.

I thought the best place to advance the AI mission is at Baidu.

The inspiration for 'Ai Dil Mere' happened at 4:30 A.M. on a Sunday.

Note that I am not proposing that AI research be ignored or less funded.

A 'Starcraft' showdown between humans and AI itself will be interesting.

AI is neither good nor evil. It's a tool. It's a technology for us to use.

If you could train an AI to be a Buddhist, it would probably be pretty good.

I believe in human-centered AI to benefit people in positive and benevolent ways.

I think a lot of people don't understand how deep AI already is in so many things.

AI might be a powerful technology, but things won't get better simply by adding AI.

Smart CEOs should be thinking about AI and its impact on their respective business.

AI is everywhere. It's not that big, scary thing in the future. AI is here with us.

Weaponized AI is probably one of the most sensitized topics of AI - if not the most.

Because Facebook can't exist without AI, it needs all its engineers to build with it.

Any movie that deals with an AI computer voice stands in the long, long shadow of '2001.'

It is deeply against my principles to work on any project that I think is to weaponize AI.

There are three basic approaches to AI: Case-based, rule-based, and connectionist reasoning.

And nowadays, the idea of AI is not really science fiction anymore - it's just science fact.

I definitely fall into the camp of thinking of AI as augmenting human capability and capacity.

I think that there are so many problems that we have as a society that AI can help us address.

We can build a much brighter future where humans are relieved of menial work using AI capabilities.

If our era is the next Industrial Revolution, as many claim, AI is surely one of its driving forces.

People are spending way too much time thinking about climate change, way too little thinking about AI.

When people speak of creating superhumanly intelligent beings, they are usually imagining an AI project.

The AI technology will keep you out of harm's way. That is why we believe in an AI car that drives for you.

AI as a technology is complex, of course, but the capabilities and benefits of AI aren't hard to understand.

What AI was able to do at his size, with the teams that he had was remarkable, you can't take that from him.

AI will probably most likely lead to the end of the world, but in the meantime, there'll be great companies.

We want to take AI and CIFAR to wonderful new places, where no person, no student, no program has gone before.

The real problem is not the existential threat of AI. Instead, it is in the development of ethical AI systems.

As co-founder and CEO of an AI company, I am used to there not being many women in the room, especially in AI.

We need to inject humanism into our AI education and research by injecting all walks of life into the process.

Giving the control over powerful AI to the highest bidder is unlikely to lead to the best world we can imagine.

Beyond helping other people build AI systems with, I also hope to build some AI systems myself!

I imagine a world in which AI is going to make us work more productively, live longer, and have cleaner energy.

As a technologist, I see how AI and the fourth industrial revolution will impact every aspect of people's lives.

It's important to engage with governments around the world in how they're thinking about AI - to help inform them.

Emotion AI uses massive amounts of data. In fact, Affectiva has built the world's largest emotion data repository.

As we continue to apply AI to new fields, ethical dilemmas will arise and the answers will not be clearly defined.

If someone has a fantastic biology background, he or she can contribute in AI and health care. AI has many aspects.

I grew up in the Middle East, and I worry that AI increases the socioeconomic divide as opposed to closing the gap.

I see that our emotional AI technology can be a core component of online learning systems - health wearables, even.

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