Pan Am can go to hell.

It's a great day for TWA.

A lot of airlines have come and gone.

I'm not opposed to talking about airline food.

Bankruptcy as a solution in kind of un-American.

Running an airline is a normal job. Racing is more.

This industry attracts more capital than it deserves.

Airlines are one of the last things to be liberalized.

Any serious airline has to look at a worldwide network.

Anyone wanna buy my Malaysian Airlines frequent flier miles?

There is something about the airline industry that really grabbed me.

At United, I will dedicate myself to making our airline flyer-friendly.

Airline travel is hours of boredom interrupted by moments of stark terror.

Not having an administrator sends the wrong message to the airline industry.

Anybody with my background in the airline business who is not deaf is a fraud.

Juan Tripp was a friend. Good name for an airline man, huh? Juan Tripp after another?

United Airlines: Passengers are our worst enemy. We're not too fond of luggage either.

If you want to be a Millionaire, start with a billion dollars and launch a new airline.

You can't have a mid-life crisis in the airline industry because every day is a crisis.

We’re in the Customer Service business—we just happen to provide airline transportation.

When I was younger I wanted to be an airline pilot, but that lasted for about 30 seconds.

Most budget airlines anywhere in the world are going to leave you dissatisfied after using them.

Every penny I've ever saved has been spent on airline tickets to different corners of the world.

I had some airline stock, but the airlines tanked. I didn't have a lot of money in them, though.

PAL continues to be the country's leading airline and significant promoter of Philippine tourism.

Running an airline is the most difficult job in the world. Racing was more dangerous for my life.

I technically have two last names, which is a lot of fun when you're making airline reservations.

I've always dreamed of franchising an airline, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do it.

The airline industry has been closely watching, monitoring, exactly what the rail industry has done.

There aren't many people around with the stomach or the knowledge to delve into the airline industry.

Jet Blue is my preferred airline. I love the cleanliness, technology, and the staff is always wonderful.

The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline luggage.

I've got stuff about airline mergers, which just shows that my stand-up is getting more insane by the minute.

If airline seat cushions are such great flotation devices, why don't you ever see anyone take one to the beach?

Most people think of us as this flamboyant airline, but we're really very conservative from the fiscal standpoint.

A commercial aircraft is a vehicle capable of supporting itself aerodynamically and economically at the same time.

I came from the music business, which reputedly has the biggest egos, but I really think the airline world caps it.

The thing about commuting internationally is that you have to be a lawyer or an airline steward to do it successfully.

I'm trying to be as green as I can. As an airline pilot, I have a carbon footprint that's a size 10, so it's pretty hard.

We've got fuel prices coming down and good travel numbers coming out, so it's not surprising airline stocks are going up.

The AARP is a group of 3.8 million Americans bound together by a common love of airline discounts and insurance discounts.

It's the old adage: You can make a pizza so cheap, nobody will eat it. You can make an airline so cheap, nobody will fly it.

You cannot manage an airline from a corner office in Willis Tower. That doesn't work. You've got to manage by walking around.

Marlon Brando came up to me many, many years ago. He wanted me to do a little doodle for him on the back of an airline ticket.

With any luck, by the time NASA's space probe hits Pluto, you'll be booking a spaceflight with a privately run suborbital airline.

Southwest Airlines is successful because the company understands it's a customer service company. It also happens to be an airline.

I don't enjoy traveling in America. I don't like the food, the cars. It is not exotic enough. It all tastes a bit like airline food.

If you don't like airline food, you'll probably have the same impression of space station food. I would not fly to space for the food.

Take care of your customers, and you will have a successful business. Don't, and you won't. The airlines need to figure this out - soon.

Malaysia Airlines is a robust airline - it's been around for many years. It has an excellent reputation, both for service and for safety.

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