I'm a morning person, really alert.

Spoiler alert: I did not become an astronaut.

I like to keep my mind and physical state alert.

You will not get a Google alert when you fall in love.

You have to stay alert. You've got to keep raising your game.

People are always alert to any change and skeptical by nature.

Everyone self-Googles. And, I have, of course, the Google alert.

However alert we are, antiquity remains an unknown, unanticipated galaxy.

I was a pretty alert kid, and I, you know, I was very interested in arts.

I don't like rap that you can't understand. The youth is so quick and alert.

I long to journey endlessly, always in search of something new. Always alert.

I've gotten very alert not just to mixed metaphor but to any writing mistake.

To find a new word that is accurate and different, you have to be alert for it.

Be on the alert to recognize your prime at whatever time of your life it may occur.

I think it is a very important thing in football to keep each other awake and alert.

Oliver Stone's strategy is to unnerve the actors so as to make them alert and alive.

Filming is about continuing to be alert and to think, and I find it quite exhausting.

One should be alert and know how to defend oneself in case something untoward happens.

I would hate for anybody not to abide by alert warnings coming from government systems.

I'll admit it: I'm one of those people who has a Google News alert set for my own name.

I love to play big matches. I think it's that that keeps the fire in me, keeps me on alert.

I believe that a child who exercises is more alert, focused, positive, has better mental health.

I want to help, and I wanna learn more about what's going on in the world. I just wanna be alert.

I think anybody alert to the inspiration to write has to be kind of sensitized to the unexpected.

If you have a priest that is pushing social justice, go find another parish. Go alert your bishop.

Why do I need succession planning? I'm very alert, I'm very vibrant. I have no intention to retire.

Opportunities present themselves every day - to everyone. You just have to be alert and ready to act.

Living with the liberals, you get to hear their arguments, fight with them all the time. Keeps me alert.

On the pitch, I need to stay focused, alert, and be ready to face my heart-racing moment with confidence.

It's a dangerous world, man. You've gotta keep your eyes and ears peeled and be on the alert all the time.

Islamic State is not a threat for any particular country but for the entire world. India is alert about IS.

When you have over 500 million dollars in questionable contributions, shouldn't that start to alert people?

We are on red alert when it comes to how we are perceiving ourselves as a species. There's no desire to be an adult.

Civilization exists precisely so that there may be no masses but rather men alert enough never to constitute masses.

I've been on a state of high alert since high school. I didn't need 9/11 to remind me that we live on a ball of flame.

I always try to be alert to the potential for repetition, for a decaying orbit with regard to my use of technique, etc.

My daughter and I have this thing we call a PMA: 'perfect moment alert.' I try to really notice when we're having a PMA.

It's an interesting door opening, this use of sonic signalling - using sound to alert us in a more subtle way than a beep.

There is nothing more important than staying alert, reading your opponent, that counts for both inside and outside the ring.

One good way of measuring the mood in Israel is just how alert or relaxed the guards at every restaurant entrance appear to be.

My films are so new and unique that I don't know where I will end up. Fear keeps me alert. And it's also a part of an excitement.

By modulating the amount of blue in our environment, we can help people to relax, or to be alert; to fall asleep, or to stay awake.

What I am afraid of is... Gandhi. He has brains and always tried to put me in the wrong. I have to be on guard and alert all the time.

Once we start believing that the apocalypse is coming, the amygdala goes on high alert, filtering out most anything that says otherwise.

Writers of feminist dystopian fiction are alert to the realities that grind down women's lives, that make the unthinkable suddenly thinkable.

Meditation demands an astonishingly alert mind; it is the understanding of the totality of life in which every form of fragmentation has ceased.

When I see someone who is starved, they don't look alert. They don't have boundless energy. If you're too skinny, it looks like you're near death.

I don't force things. I can have a wish, and then I let God lead me on the path, bringing me what I need - and always trying to be alert to receive it.

Security services, from Afghanistan to the United States, should be alert throughout the Ramadan period, but especially on the 27th day of the holy month.

In each verse, a decision awaits us, and we can't choose to close our eyes and let instinct work on its own. Poetic instinct consists of an alert tension.

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