I'm an all-around type player.

Become a good all-around human being.

I want to be an all-around basketball player.

I think I had a good all-around career at UNC.

I believe that I'm a complete receiver all-around.

I think I'm the all-around best player in the draft.

I want to be an all-around back and all-around player.

I'm one of the best all-around small forwards in the world.

I'm just an all-around player that does whatever my team needs.

I got some skills I can build on; I can be an all-around player.

Will Smith is just an all-around amazing talent and really funny.

Well, I'm definitely gonna focus on being a better all-around player.

I'm just an all-around happy girl who loves everything about her life.

I'm the all-around threat. I've got the look; I think I've got the whole package.

I want to be known as a solid all-around receiver that's fast, not a fast guy that plays receiver.

I'm an all-around fighter. I do everything. I've got wrestling; I've got Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and I've got striking.

A lot of times getting double- or triple-teamed, like triangle-and-two, it just made me be more of an all-around player.

I was an all-around player - if I was just a scorer, there's no way the Hawks would have won 50 games four years in a row.

Who would have ever thought that I'd end up saying that I want to be an all-around entertainer? But that's what I want to be.

I am an all-around player. I'm like LeBron James. I can drive, I can shoot, I can pull up. To be honest, you can't game-plan against me.

I'm surrounded by nothing but great people. I've been blessed with that, so really, I've got no choice but to be an all-around good person.

It's one of the greatest festivals in the world. New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Fest is the best all-around... It's an honor to be closing it.

I have a favorite blue Telecaster. It's an old '60-something, which I play at every show. That's probably my favorite all-around stage guitar.

Coldplay fans are the best in the world. If you like Coldplay then you're obviously very intelligent and good looking and all-around brilliant.

For sheer majestic geography and sublime scale, nothing beats Alaska and the Yukon. For culture, Japan. And for all-around affection, Australia.

No matter that patriotism is too often the refuge of scoundrels. Dissent, rebellion, and all-around hell-raising remain the true duty of patriots.

Some players are more physical than others, some play with more finesse. Some are just really great all-around players. So you have to change your game.

I would like to have a decathlon where all of my throws are really consistent and set the tone. That I'm good all-around, not just a speed and jump guy.

I want to continue to grow in every way possible, as an actor, a woman, just as a human being in general. I think growth is just an all-around great idea.

To stay in one time zone and play in a great conference - a great all-around conference, but, specifically, a great basketball conference - is a great thing.

The only thing I really, really want is for the U.S. to win again. Just to win another team gold. And, of course I would really want to win an all-around gold.

I think the greatest all-around athlete ever was Jim Brown. He played lacrosse, basketball and ran track at Syracuse. He played professional football for the Browns.

My styles range quite a bit. I go for an all-around kind of fan. Never wanted to be the dude that could do one thing. I wanted to be the guy that could hang with anybody.

I would say, from an all-around point of view, Bruce Springsteen is one of the two great poet lords of America, Bob Dylan, coming out of the music world, the two of them.

You need balance in your life all-around. When you find that balance and relax and get away from the game a little bit - and when you come back, you just go that much harder.

It's more about the music and doing good shows than it is about our ethnicities. We're not trying to label ourselves as the all-around universal ethnic group. It's not a gimmick.

Bowie is probably my favorite all-around songwriter and performer and personality. His ability to change over the years is such an inspiration. I love 'Young Americans' and 'Fame.'

I've always felt I had the ability to be a good, elite defender in this league on the wing. I just need to lock in. I feel if I pick that up, I can be a very good all-around player.

I was the girl who did everybody's homework, but I was also, like, student council president and yearbook editor and, like, all-around overachiever. Like, I'm disabled, but I can do anything.

One of my great heroes, John Berger, he's in his 80s now. One of the reasons that he's remained young and all-around fantastic is his ongoing receptivity to new things. I think that's important.

I never did pageants as a kid, but when I got into high school, I did a couple that were tied to a sort of all-around academic student achievement program, something akin to Junior Miss, but not Junior Miss.

Around sixth or seventh grade, I fell in love with Tim Duncan and his all-around game. That's when I started watching him. Then my father introduced me to Hakeem Olajuwon. Those were the two guys I modeled my game after.

Most Icelandic people are really proud to be from there, and we don't have embarrassments like World War II where we were cruel to other people. We don't even have an army. So it's sort of like an all-around good, innocent place.

I like being pregnant - feeling the baby moving, acknowledging the miracle that we're capable of producing a whole other being from scratch. I feel more like a woman than ever before. There's just an all-around sensation of power.

It's not just passing, I gotta play defense, I gotta rebound, I gotta talk, I could have 40 and not talk and not bring energy. But it's just trying to have an all-around game, just trying to be the leader I can be, get the pace up.

I am a very firm believer in Cody Rhodes. I think he is fantastic, an absolute superstar. Unbelievable in the ring, great timing, great pacing - he's in great physical conditioning, can cut a heck of a promo, and just an all-around good guy.

I wore No. 19 because of Bryan Trottier. I liked the overall aspect of his game. I liked the way he conducted himself on the ice. He was a quiet guy. He played really hard; just a good all-around, prototypical center man who could do everything.

Spinning has been such an amazing part of my exercise. I love the music, the energy, and the sweat. It's a tough class, which makes me feel like I've really accomplished something. It's a great way to burn fat and lean out the body. An all-around win!

I was getting a lot of good work with my wrestling up in Iowa, but I needed a more all-around game, striking, jiu-jitsu at a high level. I had a lot of good coaches out at ATT to work with. They pushed me. Everything was smarter. Everything was precise.

The church we grew up playing at was not one of those churches known for its music, but it was just this all-around energy that would be happening because, at the same time we'd be playing in church, we'd be playing in the city jazz band under Reggie Edwards.

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