You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your ...

You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.

I am not allowing myself to get carried away.

You're either coaching it or allowing it to happen.

Allowing yourself to smile takes 99% of the effort.

I can't imagine God not allowing my dog into heaven.

Allowing homosexuality means allowing satanic rights.

allowing freedom to others brings freedom to ourselves.

Isn't allowing people a choice what America is all about?

You have a problem with allowing someone to finish speaking.

Thank you, Hollywood, for allowing me to be part of your group.

We all want to thank Emmitt for allowing us to enjoy every yard.

Education levels the playing field, allowing everyone to compete.

Israel is stupid for allowing people to vent their anti-Semitism.

Part of a campaign reporter's job is allowing yourself to be used.

Television is the medium that's allowing women's stories to flourish.

You get the best out of people by allowing them to do their best work.

It gets dangerous when you start allowing people to validate your work.

I'm not allowing my perspective to be dictated by the dominant culture.

I believe in allowing an audience the opportunity to make up their own mind.

I suffered evils, but without allowing them to rob me of the freedom to expand.

Bite us once, shame on the dog; bite us repeatedly, shame on us for allowing it.

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

I want to thank all the clubs I represented for allowing me the opportunity to do so.

True love brings up everything - you're allowing a mirror to be held up to you daily.

This is the power of fashion: the capability of allowing people to express themselves.

In bed my real love has always been the sleep that rescued me by allowing me to dream.

I think I'm passionately allowing myself to be influenced by the things that are around me.

My approach works not by making valid predictions but by allowing me to correct false ones.

My worst habit in the kitchen is not allowing anybody to help me. I like to cook by myself.

Allowing guys to celebrate and get the fans involved and excited - it makes the game better.

Film has the potential of allowing me to explore my own ideas, which I find very attractive.

I'm not trying to keep up or adapt. I'm allowing myself to grow, evolve and create new music.

Trauma is survivable, but often not much more. It kills you while allowing you to still live.

Another mode of accumulating power arises from lifting a weight and then allowing it to fall.

Many very strong fathers have turned out ineffectual sons by not allowing them to grow as men.

Britain is now living with the consequences of allowing an underclass to take root and fester.

We're allowing every Eric Harris, every troubled kid out there, to become the next Tim McVeigh.

I don't think of it as procrastination. I think of it as allowing my work to accumulate urgency.

If we stand idly by while states legalize bigotry, we are responsible for allowing it to happen.

I'm very thankful to the Yankees and to Major League Baseball for allowing me to play this game.

Marvel comics took a chance on me in my youth, allowing me to create so many toys in their sandbox.

I'm much more interested in allowing a story to happen, and people find whatever meaning is in there.

We're allowing technology to take out the non-value-added manual elements of the McDonald's experience.

I think it's a disgrace that we're allowing extreme voices in this country to erase our proud heritage.

The journey from teaching about love to allowing myself to be loved proved much longer than I realised.

As funny as some photos can be, think twice about allowing yourself to be tagged in questionable photos.

I won't be allowing my own background or my own sexual orientation to dictate the decisions that I make.

Aging gracefully means being flexible, being open, allowing change, enjoying change and loving yourself.

I think we do people a great disservice by putting them on a pedestal and not allowing them to be human.

I believe in allowing your child to be who they want to be - as long as they want to be something great.

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