I'm always astonished by the confidence my readers put in me.

I want to try and pay back the confidence and care that the people at Atletico have always shown me.

I'm very happy at Atletico. I'm very proud to play for these fans, with these players, and with this coach. I want to try and pay back the confidence and care that the people at Atletico have always shown me.

For years, I always thought it was hilarious that I was this fitness guru, because fitness was just a tool I utilized to help people improve their confidence. For me, it's never been about fitness. It's always been about helping to empower people.

The thing that attracted me to acting the most was I always felt quite unsure or insecure as a kid, and for some reason, when I got to perform these lines and characters, I felt safe. There was this confidence and excitement from performing that I loved.

Without boxing, because of my neighborhoods, who knows what would have happened to me. It was always about following the leader. And I definitely was not a leader. Boxing gave me discipline; a sense of self. It made me more outspoken. It gave me more confidence.

I know I can be bolshy and really unpleasant, and it always happens if I lose confidence in the people I'm working with. If I've got no confidence in what I'm doing and they don't provide me with some assurance that we're doing the right thing then I bully people. I'm a horrible bully.

Obviously, replacing Sir Alex Ferguson was never going to be easy - not for him or for anyone. Although I was with him for only a few months, I'll always be grateful, as he played a key role in my move to United. He was the one who called me, who welcomed me, and the one who gave me the confidence to come here.

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