Look, I'm outspoken.

I'm pretty outspoken.

I am an outspoken girl.

I guess I'm too outspoken.

I'm outspoken and I'm headstrong.

I know I'm profane. And outspoken.

Yes, I am very outspoken on Twitter.

For me, everybody knows I'm outspoken.

I'm a very loud and outspoken creature.

It's OK to be outspoken about your faith.

I've been outspoken forever about everything.

I miss the outspoken pop stars like Lily Allen.

I'm not being outspoken or pro or con abortion.

I admit that: my wife is outspoken, but by whom?

I am an outspoken person. I believe in what I say.

I'm a Latina. Everything is outspoken in my culture.

I'm far too outspoken to be a woman in Puritan times.

I've always been very outspoken and very risk oriented.

It's better to be an outspoken atheist than a hypocrite.

I'm outspoken, good looking, love to party and have fun.

It is better to be an outspoken atheist than a hypocrite.

I've always been attracted to independent, outspoken women.

I've been very outspoken that the minimum wage needs to rise.

To be outspoken, or different at all, is a problem for women.

I don't think men really fall in love with the outspoken girl.

I think I'm outspoken, but I think people respect me for that.

I don't get offended and am outspoken and I'm a people person.

I'm not a big fan of those who are egotistical and so outspoken.

I am a fierce patriot, and I try to be outspoken about my beliefs.

I was an optimistic person, really bossy, gregarious and outspoken.

You might say I was a little bit more outspoken... I spoke my mind.

If I hadn't been so outspoken, Jimmy Carter wouldn't have wanted me.

It doesn't bother me at all that some people think I am too outspoken.

To be outspoken is easy when you do not wait to speak the complete truth.

To be an outspoken professor in academia is a very dangerous proposition.

[On being told their loquacious, domineering host was 'outspoken':] By whom?

Growing up in Jersey makes you a little bit ballsier, a little more outspoken.

I was always quite outspoken as a teenager and quite cheeky in school and stuff.

I think if I believe in something strongly enough, I'm pretty outspoken about it.

Senator Albert Gore Sr. was one of the first outspoken critics of the Vietnam War.

We were quickly labeled as an outspoken feminist band, which I'm totally fine with.

I cannot overemphasise the value we place on a free, independent and outspoken press

I think I give off a strong energy. I'm 5'9, I'm pretty athletic and I'm pretty outspoken.

I've always been very outspoken and a supporter of the underdog, because I'm one as well. I

My sister is outspoken and brave, while I am not. However, I will always support the truth.

I don't know if I'm a feminist, but I just know that I am all for outspoken, powerful women.

I am a conservative thinker, well known as such, outspoken as such but reasonable in my view.

I am very outspoken, obviously, and I should say that I can't judge anyone for doing anything.

It's easy to be loud, outspoken, and play to the gallery. It's difficult to underplay one's self.

Graham Greene, as I understand it, was quite outspoken in his criticism of American foreign policy.

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