I'm simply following the journey.

Blinded following the Blindfolded

I was only following God's orders.

We cannot fail in following nature.

Example is better than following it.

I believe in following opportunities.

Not one word of the following is true

Know how to win by following the rules

My following is straight. I'm so glad.

Following the prophet is always right!

Following Real Madrid, I support Porto.

Do not act following customary beliefs.

When following God, Zero we never find.

I've spent my life following my passion.

We definitely have a hardcore following.

I'm following a real event and real people.

Cool to me is following what you believe in.

The unexamined leader is not worth following.

Wu-Tang is a group that has a cult following.

I'm good at following my own grooming advice.

I have a huge underground following on the web.

Loneliness has been following me my whole life.

I had a hard-core cult following of at least 12.

There's always someone following your next step.

I'm following the path that was destined for me.

We don't have paparazzi following you in Sweden.

Good leaders are scarce; so I'm following myself.

I want people to know me for following my dreams.

People who are following their dreams inspire me.

I've been following my intuition and what moves me.

When I was a kid, I was following black soul music.

We're from New York, so we have a decent following.

I don't like the idea of people following me around.

Butterflies are always following me, everywhere I go.

To me, being an All Black means following our dreams.

Living is having and following a purpose. That's all.

Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World.

There is no security in following the call to adventure.

I know the pressure I'm under. I know who I'm following.

Reason flies When following the senses, on clipped wings.

Success is following the pattern of life one enjoys most.

I'm not a quitter. I believe in following things through.

The following Wednesday, I opted to go with Random House.

Good leaders being scarce, following yourself is allowed.

The trend that should definitely die is following trends.

I don't like following the rules - the patriarchal rules.

I developed a loyal following. No one knew I was homeless.

I've had a great life following my faith and my instincts.

Monty Python has such a huge following... myself included.

What woman wants a camera following around her naked butt?

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