Be a tough-minded optimist.

My teammates, they keep you focused.

I'm an ardent American Football fan.

I care nothing about American football.

Anything I do, I always have a reason for.

Winning is the science of being totally prepared

I try to learn from every experience, good or bad.

We did it together. Not one individual carried this team.

I love baseball. And American Football, too. But not rugby.

We have our own reasons for what's motivating us right now.

I play American football every Saturday, which I find calming.

I played American football, but I did my best work with baseball.

As a kid, I loved contact sports, especially American football and boxing.

Winning isn't worthwhile unless one has something finer and nobler behind it.

I'm a huge Rugby Union fan, which is a bit like American football - but tougher.

Power isn’t just about going forward. It’s about not letting anything hold you back.

Don't ever promise more than you can deliver, but always deliver more than you promise.

As you get older, youre always maturing, youre always learning something new about yourself.

I worked hard. I worked late. I went in early. I did everything I could to gain an advantage.

I don't understand American football at all. It looks like all-in wrestling with crash helmets.

When you're on the road, you have to be louder and you have to communicate. That's really the bottom line.

I played English football - soccer - instead of American football, because we couldn't afford the equipment.

You want to learn everything that you possibly can, chew it, digest it, and take it for what it is, and then move on.

I've been playing American football since I was six years old. I was a captain of my high school team, playing strong safety.

The limits are set by the referees. Those are the ones who are in charge of making sure this is football and not American football.

In Dutch football you see a lot of individual quality, but in American football it's really about teamwork. That really appeals to me.

American leagues - baseball, ice hockey, American football and basketball - you are the best. But in a global sport like soccer, you're not.

I don't like American football. I think it's boring and ridiculous and predictable. But baseball is very beautiful. It's played on a diamond.

When I was really young, the women's national team wasn't on a grand media stage, so my role models were male basketball and male American football players.

I sang the 'Sunday Night Football' theme song two years in a row - my first part in American culture, although I still don't know anything about American football.

And of course in America you've got American football and baseball and all those other ball games, soccer has become a little niche that the women have kind of filled.

Rugby is a different game. There is an interruption every two minutes also in American football. Our soccer is a moving game: play, play, play, move, move - you don't interrupt.

The number of fighters that are ISIS fighters wouldn't fill up most American football stadiums. This is not a large group of individuals, but they're tenacious, and they rule with absolute terror.

American sports are quite masculine. And football - although it's still played by men all over the world - football compared to American football is quite feminine in its artistry. And there's no padding. It's America's loss, though.

I grew up in Europe, and soccer was the first organized game I played. When we moved back to the U.S. in the middle of 4th grade, I switched to American football and stopped playing competitively until college, when I played intramurals.

While American football is very structured and linear and static - where everyone lines up, and there's a burst, and it happens - soccer is like the cosmos. It's like constellations. It's bodies moving in space. It's a very spherical game.

European teams have always shied away from South American football. They struggle to get to grips with it. The South American game is more technical and about keeping possession, while European football is more dynamic, physical and direct.

What's been missing from regions outside of Silicon Valley is a 'playbook.' In American football, a playbook contains a sports team's strategies and plays. It struck me that every region needs its own industry playbook on how to compete globally.

American football seems to resemble soccer in that one scores by putting the ball through the opponent's goal; but football, truly is about land. The Settlers want to move the line of scrimmage Westward, the Native Americans want to move it East.

Honestly, like, American football is not that big over in the U.K., so we hadn't really heard of Drew Brees before. I did know that he was, like, a massive football player. He's a massive star, so I was still a little bit anxious and nervous to meet him.

Rugby is just a ball. I would be much more versed to coach American football, but you need 22 players and all of the equipment. With rugby, all you need is some green grass, a ball, and a bunch of kids who want to run into each other really hard, which they enjoy.

It was weird - writing is a stupid thing to do. I come up here in the morning to a pleasant room in the roof of my house and imagine I'm a black South American football superstar; then I have to imagine I'm a female pop celebrity who's pregnant. It's a completely mad way to spend your time.

Coming from a small South Dakota school, it was a different route to get to the NFL. I went from South Dakota State to the World League of American Football with the Amsterdam Admirals, and fortunately I did well enough there that the New England Patriots decided to sign me and give me a chance.

Baseball and American football and hockey are all ahead because they have a history. The MLS is kind of new. So hopefully, in time, and with players coming and trying to develop the game, and the U.S. team also doing well - at the last World Cup, they finished above England and created some buzz.

In the late-'80s, there was a big push to make American football big in Scotland. The Super Bowl was on TV, but it didn't really catch on. When I was a kid, though, I became a big Miami Dolphins fan. I don't really know why - I just liked the logo, I guess. I didn't really know what was going on.

I don't think anything can prepare you for the 'Strictly' experience. It really is insane. I mean, I played football, rugby, American football. I go to the gym. I like to think I'd be quite fit, and I don't have much fat on me to lose, and yet I still lost a stone and half and three inches off my waist.

When I first got to college, in my mind, I was going to end up playing professional football. When I tell people this story, they always end up laughing, and I chuckle about it at my own expense. I was a big fan of American football; I played in high school, and I ended up earning the opportunity to play in college.

I was a halfback on an American football team in Athens, Greece - the Kississia Colts - where I went to high school, and we took the Cup my senior year. The downside, and somewhat unfortunate piece of information I have to pass on, is there were only two teams in the league because of the limited amount of Americans.

I understand the Rooney Rule and I understand why it is critical in America. I certainly think there are differences between the American system and in American football, there is such a large percentage of players who are of ethnic backgrounds. I think there is a difference here... I don't think its appropriate here.

Kevin Hitchcock, the goalkeeping coach at QPR, is an old mate, and I came to work for him on the understanding that I was first choice. If he'd said to me, 'We're also going to sign someone who's won Serie A five times and the Champions League and is one of the biggest names in South American football,' I would have thought twice before signing.

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