Stop smiling. Every time you smile, an angel dies.

I know I got angels watchin me from the other side.

We will all wake up semi-angels, If we wake at all.

Angels possess greater powers than do human beings.

Kill off all my demons and my angels might die too.

If I exorcise my devils, all my angels may go, too.

Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell.

Buffy loves Angel. He loves her. And I love Ho Hos.

Every man contemplates an angel in his future self.

Cat angels are the reason there are no mice angels.

It is by suffering that human beings become angels.

Better the devil you know than the angel you don't.

Sometimes angels rush in where fools fear to tread.

The angel within me thrives on the devil within me.

May the angels protect you, and sadness forget you.

Suicide was a mortal luxury not afforded to angels.

After being so bad I could hear the angels singing.

I need ten thousand angels to walk me out the door.

I feel like every single person has guardian angels.

The tears of those repenting are the wine of angels.

Poets are Damned... but See with the Eyes of Angels.

The angels can be thought of as our prayer partners.

What sort of girls do i like? - They are all angels.

We must live like angels and produce like the devil!

What will an angel say that the devil wants to know?

One day I will lie nowhere with an angel at my side.

We are each other’s angels, we meet when it is time.

Man is the poet who kills, Woman the angel who eats.

The Heavens are as deep as our aspirations are high.

We are never so lost that our angels cannot find us.

You cannot have a society of angels except in heaven

I ain't good-lookin', but I'm somebody's angel child.

If God could make angels, why did he bother with men?

I'm no saint. I'm no angel. I never proclaimed to be.

The devil is a very big angel, but a very little man.

The angels decided to shine on me for a little while.

I'm not a saint. I'm not an angel. I'm a human being.

Never travel faster than your guardian angel can fly.

If men were angels, no government would be necessary.

The way to read a fairy tale is to throw yourself in.

Upon four-legged forest clouds the cowboy angel rides

Amazingly talented singer who sang like an angry angel

Since my illness, I've felt the presence of my angels.

Yes, but I don't think of the Teen Angel as of an age.

Even angels must find their wings too heavy sometimes.

It is indeed a mistake to confuse children with angels

My son writes songs and plays. He sings like an angel.

As long as an angel is not annihilated, it is a devil.

Varieties of angels, like varieties of love, are many.

Use absolutely no pressure. Just like an angel's wing.

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