Cock your hat - angles are attitudes.

Dream, diversify-and never miss an angle.

Nothing is taboo if you have an angle on it.

Almost every story has a romantic angle to it.

The more angles I see, the more confused I get.

Now we have to hit them from a different angle.

Compliments aren't really a journalistic angle.

I'd rather see the world from a different angle.

Aphorisms know the angles, but not the structure.

I came out of the womb looking for the camera angle

The right angle is one of the world's basic shapes.

Read not for the facts but for the angles of thinking.

Modesty is the only sure bait when you angle for praise.

I don't host a show and go, 'Have you got my best angle?'

Children, viewed from one angle, are philosophy in motion.

London is an endless skirmish between angles and emptiness.

Kurt Angle and Matt Hardy... I have so much respect for them.

I will never create a romantic angle to survive on a game show.

The angle we give the bathroom mirror is always meant to flatter.

Look at situations from all angles, and you will become more open.

All you need is a bad angle and suddenly youre 30 pounds overweight.

We were sort of coming from an angle where we wanted to break rules.

All you need is a bad angle and suddenly you're 30 pounds overweight.

Girls were coming from every angle. I couldn't love them all. But I tried.

Anything can be interesting as long as you access it from the right angle.

If the media didn't know I played chess, there'd be no angle on me at all.

I think I'm on an angle. I'm on an oblique angle through all of existence.

Who says I like right angles? These are not my laws, these are not my rules.

Some of the angles that photographers get on court are not always flattering.

The state of minds vary according to the angle under which one examines them.

Happiness is largely an attitude of mind, of viewing life from the right angle.

I do figure every angle of a guy I'm acting - but not consciously 'til afterward.

Protecting lives means reshaping national policies from a community healthcare angle.

Right angles don't attract me. Nor straight, hard and inflexible lines created by man.

I no longer believe that just about everything is funny, if viewed from the proper angle.

Kurt Angle is an Olympic gold medalist, one of the greatest in-ring performers of all-time.

If you can roll at every angle, it becomes second nature to protect yourself when you fall.

I don't like reverse-angle shots - I find them very fake and very untruthful to the viewer.

I always wrote with some kind of angle of ignorance. I didn't know what was right or wrong.

There is not a single homely thing that, looked at from a certain angle, does not become fairy.

Steve, it's OK. I know Angle is a dork, but he's a dangerous dork, our dork and your backup dork!

Every man of genius sees the world at a different angle from his fellows, and there is his tragedy.

I'm not very particular about the commercial angle in my films, but entertainment is very important.

Abolitionists were men of sharp angles. Organizing them was like binding crooked sticks in a bundle.

What's your angle?" I asked, trying to sound more playful than demanding. "Isosceles," Jack quipped.

Everything is funny from some angle, I assure you it is. It's just a matter of where you're standing.

'The Princess and the Warrior' is looking at the same things as 'Lola' - just from a different angle.

I think science is about the search for God; it just comes at it from a different angle than religion.

What's the best angle to cut someone's throat? Well, usually from behind. That's usually how it works.

Once you are prepared and you think you have every angle of preparation covered, you have to go for it.

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