I love great animation.

I've loved all forms of animation.

When in doubt, resort to animation.

Animation is a technique, not a genre.

Animation is manipulating the difference.

I was always into cartoons and animation.

I was a big comic, cartoon, animation nerd.

I love doing both animation and live acting.

I'm in love with kid's stories and animation.

I've had to learn how to control my animation.

I've always loved animation and animated films.

Animation isn't the illusion of life; it is life

I think animation can tell more than live action.

I'm definitely looking to do more animation stuff.

Animation means to invoke life, not to imitate it.

I don't like animation. I hate animation, actually.

I was a film major with a concentration in animation.

Well, luckily with animation, fantasy is your friend.

I'm not ashamed to say that I cried at an animation movie

What we were in on, really, was the invention of animation.

Animation had been done before, but stories were never told.

Yes, actually. Animation's a very easy thing to watch on tour.

Nothing's occurring in animation - you manufacture everything.

I hope I don't become just an animation [with a digital film].

I don't know if I really watched any Disney animation as a kid.

I brought in the stories many times. I don't just do animation.

'Bolt' was made by Walt Disney Animation Studios, not by Pixar.

Tidiness makes me think of held breath, of suspended animation.

I usually have 10 different animation projects going at a time.

I don't necessarily consider myself part of the animation world.

To me, the future of TV and movies is going to be 3-D animation.

Animation has completely changed and I've always been a big fan.

Animation has completely changed, and I've always been a big fan.

I love animation, I really do, but I don't do it for the children.

Acting is a plum gig, and then animation is an even more plum gig.

I lucked out. I got in just when animation just started to take off.

Depression is melancholy minus its charms - the animation, the fits.

Comics and animation have some of the deepest stories I've ever seen.

I don't want to do animation to mimic reality. I want to push reality.

The animation of the canvas is one of the hardest problems of painting.

Of all studios that should be doing 2-D animation, it should be Disney.

Well, directing is doing the key drawings, not the key animation, mind you.

Initially, it was sort of devastating to lose full animation and go limited.

In animation, you do so much planning ahead of time; it has to be so precise.

Animation in itself has so many different looks and styles and possibilities.

Genndy [Tartakovsky] is so good at directing and so wonderful with animation.

I don't believe that an animation studio should be an executive-driven studio.

When I was younger, I was hopefully going to do animation and special effects.

I'm really comfortable doing voice-overs, but it's really fun to do animation.

I don't even know how computer animation works, honestly, and I don't need to.

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