History has done a great disservice to Anne Boleyn.

My family is very excited about me doing Anne Frank.

My writing is sort of 'Sidney Sheldon meets Anne Tyler.'

As an older child, I was a huge 'Anne Of Green Gables' fan.

Anne Briggs is great, and I love Sandy Denny and Steeleye Span.

Anne hated the idea of putting me down in front of the audience.

The Anne you see on TV is me; I don't have an on-camera persona.

I loved playing Anne Bancroft, because she was so wonderfully arch.

Anne Frank's diary made a very big impression on me at age 12 or so.

I have read every book in the 'Dune' series and every Anne Rice book.

I always loved 'The Weakest Link' and how brutal Anne Robinson was on it.

My favorite actresses were Geraldine Paige, Anne Bancroft and Kim Stanley.

Anne Boleyn is certainly the most exciting character I have played on stage.

Auntie Anne's is a modern-day business miracle that never should have happened.

I had been very close to Anne Bancroft when we worked together in The Miracle Worker.

As a child, I had a teacher who told me, 'Look, Anne, one person can't make a difference.'

Anne Imhof is a powerful artist from Germany making work that is totally interdisciplinary.

Anne and I have now been married almost 32 years, and I am the luckiest husband in the world.

I went to an amazing school in Brooklyn called St. Anne's that's a really kind of creative hot bed.

There's a part of my heart that forever has Anne Boleyn written on it, who I played in 'The Tudors.'

Anne Elliot was the one Jane Austen character I didn't fall in love with. She seemed sad and defeated.

I'm called Anne because my mother, who was devout, prayed to St. Anne every day of her pregnancy with me.

On our first date, all Anne wanted to talk about was Bob Feller, the new pitcher for the Cleveland Indians.

'Poltergeist' terrifies me! When the little girl Carol Anne is talking to the TV, I get shivers every time.

Anne is very forgiving. She doesn't care about money, being rich, or clothes. We never argued about finances.

Anne Baxter was a very good actress, Donna Reid was great. You couldn't name an actress I wasn't crazy about.

Eroticism bubbles beneath the surface of every vampire story, but Anne Rice is a writer to make the pot boil.

I have the great good fortune that one of my collaborators in work, Anne Case, is also my collaborator in life.

My mom gave me 'Anne of Green Gables' as a present so that was my first introduction to Anne, little did I know.

My auntie Anne took me to 'Phantom of the Opera' in London. I thought it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.

'Anne of Green Gables'! I'd love to be the nosy neighbor that gives Anne a mouthful and then gets puts in her place.

I want to be like Sutton Foster, Kristin Chenoweth or Anne Hathaway and do everything that has to do with performing.

Anne Carson and Angela Carter are folks I hold close to my heart because they have such unique ways of telling stories.

I was playing sports all the time, and my parents, Anne and John, encouraged me to play in grade school and high school.

I did study with Anne Carson briefly in Michigan. She taught there, and that's where I first encountered her, in her class.

Every show you do, you have to do research, and I love to dig into things. I learned about World War II by doing 'Anne Frank.'

If you knew my life and understood where I came from, you would agree that Auntie Anne's, Inc. is a modern day business miracle.

Augustine, Anne Sexton and Sylvia Plath are confessional writers and all three make me sick. I have nothing in common with them.

My mom bought me an 'Anne of Green Gables' journal. And I just remember thinking it was so cool, and I could write anything in it.

I can't stand Anne Tyler books, but I gobble them up. It's like Updike - I can't stand him either, but I read everything he writes.

I worked with a lot of leading ladies: Bebe Neuwirth, Anne Rankin, Bernadette Peters, Liza Minnelli. They're all phenomenal talents.

It always makes me laugh to think that I get to sit around and chat with people like Anne Reid and Derek Jacobi and get paid for it.

It's an amazing role for any actor, so deep and challenging. And Anne Frank was such an amazing person, I feel honored to portray her.

People ask me if I think Anne Boleyn was a feminist... but she wasn't striking out on behalf of women, and she wasn't particularly keen on them.

We are not imperialists. We don't even try to take over Canada. It would be easy, although it might take a rear guard action to guard Anne Murray.

Working with Gale Anne Hurd has been a dream of mine. I mean, I grew up watching 'Terminator' and 'Aliens' and watching Sigourney Weaver just slay!

I love 'Anne of Green Gables.' I have for years. That's one of my favourite things. She's such a can-do kind of girl; that's why I'm crazy about her.

'The Diary of Anne Frank' gets pretty dark toward the end. But there are some comic moments in the early part of the play. Anne was a goofball at times.

I loved reading 'Anne of Green Gables' and 'Little Women' and Jane Austen. Those were times when people really did have only one true love in their life.

For me, it was a revelation. There, was revealed a completely different Anne to the child that I had lost. I had no idea of the depths of her thoughts and feelings.

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