When the solution is simple, God is answering.

When the solution is simple, God is answering.

I'm not answering questions with my songs.

I'm tired of answering questions about myself.

I'm getting tired of answering the same questions every day.

I don't even like hearing my own voice on an answering machine.

I'm not good at answering questions. I always get myself into trouble.

I don't get many hecklers now but answering them is an art form in itself.

I read all my fan comments on my social media. I love answering questions.

I wish I had an answer to that because I'm tired of answering that question.

Even now when I am answering a question I am at the height of my own meditation.

Myths give us our sense of personal identity, answering the question, 'Who am I?'

The secret of having a personal life is not answering too many questions about it.

Science is increasingly answering questions that used to be the province of religion.

I had this habit of an academic of answering the question. I should have fobbed it off.

In Hell all the messages you ever left on answering machines will be played back to you.

Historians are like deaf people who go on answering questions that no one has asked them.

My hair videos are usually styling videos answering people's questions about natural hair.

I certainly hope I'm not still answering child-star questions by the time I reach menopause.

I don't mind answering any questions, because I'm not just a fighter. I'm a lot more than that.

Most people are really cool and I really don't mind talking to them and answering their questions.

Who am I, really? I prefer to leave that up to the observer, because I will never finish answering that.

It's great to just disappear, grab a suitcase, switch the answering machine on and just go somewhere else.

Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy.

I have an answering machine in my car. It says, I'm home now. But leave a message and I'll call when I'm out.

When I heard his first songs, Dylan was answering certain questions that I had all my life been asking myself.

On Quora, you're not answering questions because you want to get points or because you have nothing else to do.

No rules exist, and examples are simply life-savers answering the appeals of rules making vain attempts to exist.

I have a friend of mine who does me on his answering machine, and when I call him, I answer. It's pretty strange.

I have no problem with answering questions honestly or even looking outside the box and answering private questions.

I was always taught not to answer no questions. I'm not really good at answering them because I get agitated so fast.

Politeness is as much concerned in answering letters within a reasonable time, as it is in returning a bow, immediately.

What I find sad is that the New Age movement is primarily a commercial undertaking. But it is answering to a human need.

The marvelous thing about a good question is that it shapes our identity as much by the asking as it does by the answering.

It's always about finding the right balance between answering some questions and raising new ones to keep your story going.

Most of us at least briefly considered answering, 'An astronaut,' when asked as children what we wanted to be when we grew up.

Truly smart technologies will remind us that we are not mere automatons who assist big data in asking and answering questions.

The smallest flower is a thought, a life answering to some feature of the Great Whole, of whom they have a persistent intuition.

That's what representative democracy is about, is members going to Washington but coming home and answering the tough questions.

The recurring question that anyone from Bihar gets is whether Patna has improved. I'm not interested in answering that question.

I can't write. I can handle bits of simple-minded advert copy or a poster slogan, so answering questions is about all I'm good for.

Simple questions can be profound, and answering them requires us to make stark and honest - and sometimes painful - self-assessments.

I have dedicated my life to answering the great scientific questions of our time and to the incredible adventure of space exploration.

For the millionth time, I'm retired. I keep saying it, and people keep answering, 'Well, maybe he doesn't mean it this time.' But I do.

I've spent days in cinemas answering questions from the audience, in interviews, travelling abroad, and all they do is thank me nicely.

I wanted to be a journalist because I like to ask questions. And I like the idea that someone might feel responsible for answering them.

If I had met Bette Midler, I wouldn't be answering these questions right now because I'd have spontaneously combusted and gone to heaven.

If a man urge me to tell wherefore I loved him, I feel it cannot be expressed but by answering: Because it was he, because it was myself.

I've been giving interviews for the last 25 or 30 years, more often than not answering the same questions over and over again, ad nauseum.

Art can end up answering questions or asking questions. But when it's not connected to actual movements, it doesn't ask the right questions.

As a planetary system, Saturn holds the greatest promise for answering questions that have a far broader scientific reach than Saturn itself.

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