A sense of humor... is needed armor. Joy in one's heart and some ...

A sense of humor... is needed armor. Joy in one's heart and some laughter on one's lips is a sign that the person down deep has a pretty good grasp of life.

I am an armor officer.

Courtesy is a lady's armor.

There is no armor against fate.

A sense of humor is needed armor.

A man in armor is his armor's slave.

There is no armor like perseverance.

Occupation is the armor of the soul.

The best armor is to keep out of range.

Your choice of armor was your intellect.

The best armor is to keep out of gunshot.

Fashion is really our armor in the world.

I see BOLD accessories as a woman's armor.

Philosophers are only men in armor after all.

Against logic there is no armor like ignorance.

I won't eat in a place that has suits of armor.

Flattery is like a painted armor; only for show.

Using your car as a weapon and impenetrable armor.

If he must be alone, he would make solitude his armor.

I've been wearing kimono for several years, and armor.

Innocence is like polished armor; it adorns and defends.

All I can do is put on my armor and brace for the arrows.

I did have an emo phase. It was sort of like armor for me.

You are exactly like Jesus when you are wearing his armor.

Niceness is the psychological armor of the people-pleaser.

Armor yourself in it, and it will never be used against you

Satan never wastes a fiery dart on an area covered in armor.

The best armor of old age is a well-spent life preceding it.

Put on all the armor of the Lord. Not just the pretty stuff.

Sarcastic people tend to be marshmallows underneath the armor

Agoraphobia was my quirky armor against a gregarious America.

The acquirements of science maybe termed the armor of the mind.

I have no interest in guys who wear armor and swing big swords.

Take the armor off, so the arrow of the Truth can penetrate you.

Today I must be very careful, today I have left my armor at home.

I walk slowly into myself, through a forest of empty suits of armor.

If there are cracks in your armor, your opponent is going to find them.

I'm your knight in shining armor. I'm here to save you from Linkin Park.

ARMOR, n. The kind of clothing worn by a man whose tailor is a blacksmith.

and I have mastered the speed and strength which is the armor of the world.

Armor is heavy, yet it is a proud burden, and a man standeth straight in it.

Suspicion is a heavy armor and with its weight it impedes more than it protects.

Fortitude is the marshal of thought, the armor of the will, and the fort of reason.

I'm no missionary, and I can't wear any armor, either. I just gotta be the way I am.

It's almost like putting armor on a woman. It's a very psychological way of dressing.

It is true that no one can harm the person who wears armor. But no one can help him either.

Even irrefutable evidence is rarely enough to pierce the mental armor of self-justification.

As long as we let the Word of God be our only armor, we can look confidently into the future.

Henry V' is a great deal more than almost any other hell-bent-for-armor movie that you've seen.

The incompetence regarding body and vehicle armor rises almost to a level of criminal negligence.

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