Fans are hungry for original artwork.

All my album artwork is body painting.

I really love Instagram for the artwork.

I produce a lot of my artwork in Germany.

I draw my own stuff. I do my own cover artwork.

Artwork is a representation of our devotion to life.

Every person, every artist makes his life an artwork.

My artwork gets stolen all the time; it's ridiculous.

My artwork is in order to seduce people into thinking.

They paint me as a villain, I just autograph the artwork.

As I get older and more mature, my artwork changes accordingly.

I could never live without artwork. It's a constant inspiration.

I love that fans feel comfortable enough to send us their artwork.

Most of my artwork is geared towards being humorous in some light.

I always hope that the artwork will complement and enrich a story.

I love art, but I've never bought an artwork or even considered it.

If I'm not invested emotionally, the artwork doesn't feel emotional.

There are so many different desires that make you execute an artwork.

The viewer brings something individual to the experience of any artwork.

I personally really like getting a proper album with artwork and everything.

From tours to mixing, mastering, graphics, artwork - I've done out of pocket.

Artwork, films, TV - it's always informed my work, no matter what I'm working on.

I don't even know how to sell a piece of artwork of mine because it's so personal.

I enjoy being involved in making the artwork for albums and stupid stuff like that.

I think the optimal artwork is in constant circulation with the world around itself.

The mystical poetry of William Blake's artwork also forms the basis for the album cover.

I'm an unabashed fan of 'The New Yorker.' I do feel proud when I see my artwork in there.

It's funny how the beauty of art has so much more to do with the frame than the artwork itself.

I have been asked to collaborate with fashion houses using my artwork, which I will probably do.

I'm fearless when it comes to engineering and motors and gears and pulleys and glass and artwork.

I love fashion and appreciate it so much, and I feel like it's moving artwork going down a runway.

In life learn art, in the artwork learn life. If you see the one correctly you see the other also.

Beethoven and Michelangelo, who sold their artworks for profit, were entrepreneurs and capitalists.

Like any artwork, things become richer if you know more about them; but I don't think that's crucial.

There is the artwork that you physically make but there's also the journey that happens on the inside.

I was always creative with the artwork. Always creative with the visuals. That's what made me standout.

I wish my artwork could persuade millions of people to join a global conversation about sustainability.

The beauty of any artwork is that it becomes the person that's watching it: What do you take out of it?

I don't mind a big fascinator. I think there is more scope for artwork in a fascinator rather than a hat.

Whenever you finish an artwork and the viewer comes and views it, at that moment you've given up control.

The digital artwork is characterized not by the technology which delivers it, but by the "passage" itself.

Don't sit and wish for some ideal; the grass is not always greener with the big house and cars and artwork.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that M. Dirda is a sucker for anything bookish in the way of artwork.

Artwork is not like a commercial business; there is no such thing as a schedule for art. You can't hurry art.

Any artwork is part of something larger, grander and, you know, the situation that it's in is very important.

Nothing is more hackneyed than the liberal dogma that shock value confers automatic importance on an artwork.

All the records I've put out have had either artwork that I did while I was young or something that my Dad painted.

When you become your own boss, and your artwork becomes your livelihood, it becomes the only thing you think about.

For artists, we're always looking for approval. We're putting our artwork out there and saying, 'What do you think?'

The business of living - that's your artwork, and the process of that is finding out who you are, what it all means.

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