A manager is an assistant to his men.

I call myself the assistant cult leader.

The physician is only nature's assistant.

If you don't have an assistant, you are one!

I don't have assistants and things in the studio.

Oh, I'm just Ego's assistant. It's not anything big.

Science is going to be revolutionized by AI assistants.

I don't believe that your phone should be an assistant.

I'd like to be an assistant producer to a reality show.

Think like a head coach, but act like an assistant coach

I have an assistant in Vancouver to help me with my life.

My occupation is assistant storyteller. It is not "icon."

We are but the instruments or assistants, by whom God works.

And thus did an Assistant Pig-Keeper become High King of Prydain.

The importance of the assistant director cannot be overemphasized.

I like to disappear in my roles because I don't have an assistant.

A good executive goes around with a worried look on his assistants.

So I've had really great assistant directors for my last seven movies.

My assistants will bear testimony to the fact that I am a very angry man.

Use video to train assistants you'll be surprised how quickly they learn.

If you want to drop off the face of the earth, just be an assistant coach.

I dont have any assistants, I do it all myself, I dont have any secretaries.

Analyzin' miss clairol, fendi'd down mascara on, assistant manager in paragon

I don't have any assistants, I do it all myself, I don't have any secretaries.

If I need something, even a pair of socks, my assistant has to get them for me.

It's very rare that I get really upset about something my assistants have done.

A difficult decision for the referee's assistant. I wouldn't beat him up over it.

I know a lawyer who'd love to retire and be an assistant coach. I mean, it's fun.

Talk to the assistant press secretary, the deputy to key administration officials.

I tell my assistant “I'm busy! unless it's Jesus or Taylor (Swift) don't bother me”

Assistant coaches become a little bit more buddies to the players than a head coach.

If I were a young coach today, I would be extremely careful in selecting assistants.

America is facing a looming shortage of doctors, nurses, and physicians' assistants.

Is Jesus a Saviour who saves you, or is he an assistant who helps you save yourself?

I was thrilled when a designer shop assistant said I was a size smaller than Madonna!

I don't have an assistant. I make a lot of people around me my slaves, but no assistant.

I am not getting you a brain, because I am not that kind of assistant, Dr. Frankenstein.

Be a mere assistant to your unconscious. Do only half the work. The rest will do itself.

Bobby Tom: You're supposed to be my assistant, not a baby-sitter! Gracie: One and the same.

I have an unbelievable assistant who handles all of my scheduling! It's like a Tetris game.

I must have assistants who will solve their own problems and tell me later what they've done.

Assistants like Tim Grgurich worked with me and watched film of me from my Oregon State days.

When I got back into the film business after college, I started out as a production assistant.

I don't like to work with assistants. I'm already one too many; the camera alone would be enough.

I went to drama school but it was very hard to get work until I was made assistant stage manager.

I learned through apprenticeship. I was an assistant to a defensive coach, and I'm still learning.

No one is more cherished in this world than someone who lightens the burden of another. Thank you.

My assistants and I often would spend more time planning a practice than the actual practice itself

Just the other day, my assistant was on the line with Calvin Klein. Golly, I usually shop at Sears.

I don't live lavishly, so it's not like I have 20 assistants and travel privately and shop every day.

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