None of us should assume stuff.

Never assume the obvious is true.

You should never assume about someone.

I just always assume no one is listening.

Like all editors, I assume, I'm a reactor.

Directors assume I'm, like, establishment.

Most people assume you change with success.

I would assume the case will never be closed.

I assume people know how to hit the unfollow.

I'm trusting. I don't assume people lie to me.

I never assume people are going to recognize me.

We assume people we know can't be serial killers.

A lot of people just assume men's tennis is better.

I never sweat about work. I just assume work's coming.

We must never assume that which is incapable of proof.

You can never assume that something is going to do well.

The first mistake of art is to assume that it's serious.

People are going to assume whatever they want to assume.

Nobody really knows everything, and they can only assume.

I believe education is much more important than we assume.

We can't always assume that we'll score two or three goals.

People assume I work hard on my body, but I honestly don't.

Assume nobody else has any idea what they're doing, either.

You can never guess or assume what anyone is going to think.

Sadly, people assume that I am happy because I am so skinny.

Even if you see me fighting, don't assume I am a bad person.

I would never assume to tell another actor how to do his job!

I never assume anyone will see or like things I do, honestly!

Your game stalls when you assume you're the finished product.

I assume that the worst will happen. So I'm never optimistic.

I read a lot fewer thrillers than I think people assume I do.

People just assume that if you're famous, you're in Hollywood.

Why does everyone always assume the quarterback is the leader?

Americans assume all British people have at least one servant.

The one way of guaranteeing to fail is to assume that we will.

Nobody can assume that, to a writer, everything is off-limits.

I tell my team you have to aim for success, but assume failure.

I assume there's a lot of intelligent football fans in England.

To assume that any couple goes without arguing is just nonsense.

It's natural to assume Roblox will be on more and more platforms.

I assume you know what to do with this. That's why you were hired.

It is wrong to assume that men of immense wealth are always happy.

Most people assume that autistic people are not capable of empathy.

I just assume a lot of people hate me. You just have to suck it up.

People assume you can't be shy and be on television. They're wrong.

Financially, people always assume you're good when you're a rapper.

Most of what we know or assume to know is wrong one way or another.

I don't assume that I am going to be cast as a Glaswegian landlord.

The great western error about the Taliban is to assume homogeneity.

We must all assume out responsibilities to take the country forward.

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