All happiness or unhappiness solely depends upon the quality of the ...

All happiness or unhappiness solely depends upon the quality of the object to which we are attached by love.

I get very attached to places.

I remain attached to my nation.

You are attached to what you attack.

I didn't like being a name attached to a book.

I try really hard not to be attached to success.

I'm like a race horse attached to a freight wagon.

I've always had an instrument attached to my body.

I'm very attached to Real, more so than Barcelona.

My art side is free and there are no strings attached.

Some of my early musical memories are attached to grunge.

I would rather be attached to well-made, big-budget films.

In this business, you can't get too attached to something.

I get attached to things: I wear the same jeans for a year.

'Doctor Who' has a certain amount of showbiz attached to it.

I adored my father - I was more attached to him than anyone.

Don't get attached to any one idea. Nothing is too precious.

Action without a name, a who attached to it, is meaningless.

I'm attached to the beat. The beat speaks words. I love music.

Action without a name, a 'who' attached to it, is meaningless.

It's terrible the way words get attached to you like barnacles.

Have a mind that's open to everything, get attached to nothing.

Over centuries, we have attached too many meanings to religion.

We do not need mindless spending bills with no reforms attached.

After two years of doing one show, you do get attached to everyone.

There's so much guilt there attached to having a perfectly good life.

I was attached to 'Sharp Objects' before 'Big Little Lies,' actually.

I definitely feel more attached to Kolkata than anywhere else in India.

Nothing is going to stop Mike Tyson that doesn't have a motor attached.

Every radish I ever pulled up seemed to have a mortgage attached to it.

And I'm as attached to my wife as anybody can be to another human being.

Whether I act or direct I ensure that there is a social message attached.

I'm single because I move about so much that I can't really get attached.

Clients become very attached to the fitter who they feel understands them.

I always felt more emotionally attached to Cambodia than I did to Vietnam.

I'm very attached to my roots, but I feel Italian more than anything else.

I have to recognize that my voice is attached to my body, which gets tired.

Just being attached to 'Superman' actually gave a great boost to my career.

When you work in a different language you are not so attached to the words.

There are certain pieces of music that are always attached to certain books.

You try not to become so emotionally attached to your character, but you do.

Emotionally, I am attached to TV because it has given me my bread and butter.

I just love home. I just attached to it since I grew up there my entire life.

Whether I am the Champion or not is irrelevant to me. I am not attached to it.

All of us, although we may have a label attached to us, that's not who we are.

I'm a novelist, so I can't write about ideas unless they're attached to people.

I had attached my life to basketball so closely that it made me physically ill.

Being attached to America these days is like being in a pen with a wounded bull.

I am attached to the French language. I will defend the ubiquitous use of French.

I'm so attached to Patsy and her crew, and to the adventures we've taken them on.

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