He was of the faith chiefly in the sense that the church he currently ...

He was of the faith chiefly in the sense that the church he currently did not attend was Catholic.

I don't attend costume parties.

I'm glad many Jews attend Knick games.

Conventions are expensive to run and attend.

I didn't attend any of the court proceedings.

This gives us more time to attend the inner need.

Baseball is like church. Many attend few understand.

When I was 18, I moved to Los Angeles to attend UCLA.

Very obsessed fans do ask actors to attend their weddings.

A false friend and a shadow attend only while the sun shines.

I find it difficult to attend autopsies. Especially the smells.

Never exaggerate your faults, your friends will attend to that.

Modi invite me for his swearing in ceremony and I did attend it.

I definitely hope to attend UCLA in a year, and major in business.

It is difficult because the school I go to, my friends do not attend.

Whenever I go back home, I make sure I can attend a Blue Jackets game.

I do my own make-up, even when I have to attend all these film events.

I am trying to attend every training session and do all of my workouts.

It's not enough to attend church and pray every Sunday; you have to act.

Greater love hath no man than to attend the Episcopal Church with his wife.

From my childhood, I am like this. I never go parties and attend functions.

I was hoping to attend the School of Visual Arts and had a portfolio built up.

I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.

I now attend non-orthodox synagogues, and study little during the secular week.

Eventually, I won the right to attend school, but the prejudice was still there.

Being mothers, we try to stay home as much as possible and attend to the children.

I knew the fans that attend the Raw after WrestleMania are a very special audience.

The vast majority of students in this country will continue to attend public schools.

Nor dread nor hope attend a dying animal; a man awaits his end dreading and hoping all.

Journalism is about bringing people to an event or something that they couldn't attend.

Thanks to my mother's sacrifices, I was able to attend one of the best schools in Chicago.

I was raised a Christian. I'd like to think I have Christian values. I don't attend church.

Working together we can strengthen Delaware State University and the students who attend it.

A lot of designers become hot, attend every party, and then you don't hear about them again.

I did attend Catholic schools up to the ninth grade, and I admire much in the Catholic Church.

My wife and I have many friends that are gay, and we welcome LGBT people to attend our church.

Politicians attend dinners at hotels with contractors. Bankers discuss interest rates at lunch.

I make documentaries. I attend film festivals. I don't have time to sit at cafes taking selfies.

We have all a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be.

College isn't the only answer. Reading is a college that you can and should attend all your life.

Art is changing. Again. Here. Now. Opportunities to witness this are rare, so attend and observe.

I consider myself a Christian. I attend church. My faith has sustained me in very difficult times.

If you are doing mindfulness meditation, you are doing it with your ability to attend to the moment.

I attend surprisingly few shows. The type of theater that is popular today just doesn't appeal to me.

Attend me, hold me in your muscular flowering arms, protect me from throwing any part of myself away.

Young lawyers attend the courts, not because they have business there, but because they have no business.

The loss of liberty which must attend being a wife was of all things the most horrible to my imagination.

I am a simple girl and do not like partying. Whatever parties I attend are small ones, with my own friends.

I used to have a real problem with self-pity. Every time the devil would throw a pity party, I would attend.

Your cravings as a human animal do not become a prayer just because it is God whom you ask to attend to them.

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