Theology made no provision for evolution. The biblical authors had ...

Theology made no provision for evolution. The biblical authors had missed the most important revelation of all! Could it be that they were not really privy to the thoughts of God?

All great authors are seers.

Like most authors, I also love to read.

Authors have a nationality; books do not.

It's that drama that drives authors, you know.

One of my favorite authors is Michael Ondaatje.

Authors should be honored only for their works.

I like working with authors who are a bit pesky.

My favourite authors include Trollope and Dickens.

Good authors mature over time: it does take awhile.

In India, we don't read thrillers; we read authors.

Many contemporary authors drink more than they write.

I have so many favorite authors; I can't name just one.

I want people to be the authors of their own life story.

The chief glory of every people arises from its authors.

There are so many good authors; there's no shortage of them.

Dickens is one of those authors who are well worth stealing.

Try to meet as many authors, agents, and editors as you can.

I am very adventurous with authors, but not very with genres.

Of course YA authors have a responsibility to their audience.

My favourite authors are Milan Kundera and Jeanette Winterson.

The children of great authors do not, as a rule, become writers.

I've always liked authors such as Philip K. Dick and Ray Bradbury.

A pin has as much head as some authors and a good deal more point.

Children's authors don't talk down or patronise their younger readers.

I enjoyed reading all the classic authors like Isaac Asimov and Bradbury.

Authors make stuff up. Let's not pretend it's any more magical than that.

As authors, we know that it is very difficult to unleash one's creativity.

Often I go to book festivals and they just turn authors into celebrities.'

Publishers like their authors to take advantage of publicity opportunities.

I am a big believer in the fact that all authors really write only one book.

The contemporary authors I most admire are Nick Hornby and Jonathan Tropper.

We don't want bookstores to die. Authors need them, and so do neighborhoods.

MCs are authors, and rock musicians who write lyrics are authors, to a degree.

I think authors can get into trouble viewing the subject matter as their turf.

It can happen that a book, unlike its authors, grows younger as the years pass.

When I'm dead, I wanna leave a body of work, like authors or great painters do.

The YA category changes pretty fast. I'm so impressed by what these authors do.

Most of the authors I liked were dead, so it didn't seem like a safe occupation.

The world is crawling with authors touring now. They're like performance artists.

As I see it, my job has always been to champion the work of the authors I publish.

Terrorists have goals beyond their supposed pacts with God. They are authors, too.

When there are fewer and fewer publishers of scale, it's just not good for authors.

I am particularly wary of authors who put themselves on the cover of their own book.

I've always been a huge fan of apologetics. C.S. Lewis is one of my favorite authors.

Meeting authors is kind of the death of the characters. That is always heartbreaking.

Though by whim, envy, or resentment led, they damn those authors whom they never read.

There are two words that send romance authors into spasms of rapture: 'Downton Abbey.'

Old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read.

There was a time when self-promotion was considered so verboten, especially for authors.

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