I think I feel automatically at home in Italy.

Bishops sit in the House of Lords automatically.

We children learned responsibility automatically.

When I get onstage, I automatically feel beautiful.

Self-reform automatically brings about social reform.

In reality, the past is preserved by itself automatically.

I think that anybody that smiles automatically looks better.

I have more to offer than music that is automatically dance.

Mayors of New York are almost automatically national figures.

The exclusion of God automatically means the inclusion of evil.

Democracy doesn't automatically safeguard women and minorities.

Just because I could model didn't automatically mean I could act.

In the real world, words don't automatically translate into deeds.

My voice is obviously real southern - I automatically lean country.

If someone puts too much pressure on me, I will automatically rebel.

We won't just automatically click our heels and follow the Americans.

I'm gluten intolerant, so that automatically cuts carbs from my diet.

You don't automatically assume everyone will fall for a period drama.

More oftentimes than not, you're automatically guilty before innocent.

Back then I thought if you cut a record, you were automatically a star.

If you're dehydrated, you will automatically lose the glow in your skin.

If the color is dope, then the shoe is just automatically going to be cool.

Yeah, I'm from Jersey; it's almost like I was automatically born a Nets fan.

Once you trust in yourself, you automatically want to go outside of yourself.

When you're a parent, you're automatically the most uncool person that exists.

If I can win matches for the team, that will automatically help me personally.

When reading fiction, we cannot automatically assume that what we read is fact.

People automatically think that because you attack, you can't defend. Not true.

People automatically associate the caliber of the space based on the appliances.

If we focus on processes, the results will automatically take care of themselves.

When one performs well, the others are automatically motivated to give their best.

The ability to save automatically is among the most powerful tools available to us.

When I imagine some music in my mind, almost automatically, I imagine the piano keys.

The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously.

I get Google alerts that automatically let me know when someone's calling me a nutjob.

I choose to make it my job to not automatically believe what the U.S. government says.

It's nice having a points cushion. But, it doesn't automatically mean you have a day off.

I can't read notes well, but I can hear something and sing a harmony to it automatically.

If you convince your mind that you can't give up then your body will automatically follow.

I think as a blonde person with make-up on, you're automatically the punchline to the joke.

If you score runs against an international attack, the self-belief automatically increases.

As soon as someone is coming from New York, I automatically think I have to get dressed up.

Any story about a powerful woman owning herself in any way is automatically deemed feminist.

When any artist performs for students, it automatically means they are getting a young crowd.

It's an interesting thing about being a 'fem.' People automatically assume that I'm straight.

But, then, Sampras won Wimbledon six times and that automatically puts him among the greatest.

When you tell your truth, you are coming from a real place, so you are automatically a leader.

Why is it when we see a white guy, we automatically think, 'Let's turn this dude into a star?'

When an American person hears you speak a different language, you're automatically the bad guy.

Wear the badge of environmental radicalism, and you're a citizen automatically under suspicion.

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