Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a ...

Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.

Every automobile ad looks alike.

What I wanted to do was build an automobile.

I never rode in an automobile until I was 12.

The automobile is an American cultural symbol.

The electrification of the automobile is inevitable.

Your mind is an automobile and words are your wheels.

I think I have automobile skills and musical background.

A business like an automobile, has to be driven, in order to get results.

The automobile has moved into the mainstream of our integrated digital world.

Growth in the Chinese automobile market has exceeded everyone's expectations.

Automobile companies are always allergic to any kind of environmental movement.

Worry is like racing the engine of an automobile without letting in the clutch.

And I believe the nation that invented the automobile cannot walk away from it.

The American automobile has changed the habits of every member of modern society.

The automobile engine will come, and then I will consider my life's work complete.

People look at me and think I am an expert in the automobile industry, and I'm not.

Not having to own a car has made me realize what a waste of time the automobile is.

It has been said that the body is like an automobile - it's yours, but it isn't you.

I learned how but I have a terrible paranoia and fear. I do not drive an automobile.

The automobile is the greatest catastrophe in the entire history of City architecture.

I've got an odometer on my voice that has out-odometered an odometer on an automobile.

The basically simple things are best, whether it's automobiles or diets or philosophy.

You have to wait six months to purchase a fuel efficient automobile made from overseas.

I learned that monthly payments are the cornerstone of everything in the automobile business.

Car designers are just going to have to come up with an automobile that outlasts the payments.

The job of automobile manufacturers is to passionately build something that others love to own.

I know the automakers are important to the United States. We care about the automobile industry.

You ingest the automobile in the very air of Detroit. Or at least you did in the 1940s and 1950s.

Once the automobile appeared you could have predicted that it would destroy as many people as it did.

Wisdom cannot come by railroad or automobile or aeroplane, or be hurried up by telegraph or telephone.

You know, I really hate Romans, but I have to say their descendants make one fine automobile. (Kyrian)

Students graduating with high debt encounter difficulties in qualifying for home and automobile loans.

I thought that automobiles were going to have mufflers and go fast and airplanes were going to fly fast.

You don't have to know how to build an automobile or a television set or a laptop to know how to use it.

Nobody knew they needed a smart phone, an automobile, or even a cheeseburger from a drive through window.

Everything seems to be designed for the benefit of the automobile and not the benefit of the human being.

In the beginning I looked around and, not finding the automobile of my dreams, decided to build it myself.

The change between horse and buggy to automobile is a big change and there hasn't been a major change since.

The largest automobile company in the world is Volkswagen. Who owns it? The answer is the government of Qatar.

Other families bought automobiles; we had a horse-headed hitching post in front of our house and drove horses.

Many of us take better care of our automobiles than we do our own bodies... yet the auto has replaceable parts.

The age of automobiles and aeroplanes cannot express itself in the same manner as did the age of the diligence.

And what do automobile companies do? They see something that's taking off and they want to mimic it, don't they?

The excitement of automobile racing did not compare with what I knew must come with aeroplane fighting in France.

Not everybody thought they could be a dentist or an automobile mechanic but everybody knew they could be a writer.

Money differs from an automobile or mistress in being equally important to those who have it and those who do not.

As long as the attitude is to only show the sheet metal, then automobile advertising will continue to be wretched.

Success is like winning the sweepstakes or getting killed in an automobile crash. It always happens to somebody else.

The Delorean was an inferior automobile, and nearly impossible for a person of normal size like myself to enter and exit.

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