Always have a backup plan.

Everybody loves the backup.

It can't hurt to have a backup.

Me as a backup center? Hell no.

When I was a backup singer, I enjoyed it.

Pursue your dreams but have a backup plan.

I don't think that I've ever been a backup.

It's not a ton of fun being a backup quarterback.

Most computers today have built in backup software.

I don't want to be a backup. I want to be a starter.

I can't name a backup point guard better than me in the NBA.

Being the backup, as they call me, I have no pressure at all.

I was a backup dancer at one point for a group that was on RCA.

My preparation doesn't change from being a backup to a starter.

But I love singing, and I've been singing backup for friends' bands.

If you think you're going to be a backup, you're going to be a backup.

Even if you're in a backup role, you've always got to prepare yourself.

To be honest, football is my main goal. I never really had a backup plan.

There is no one quite as popular in any form of football as the backup QB.

I wanna get backup singers, but I don't think I will ever get backup dancers.

Since I was a D-team backup quarterback in seventh grade, I've loved the game.

If you buy a DVD you have a copy. If you want a backup copy you buy another one.

Backup dancers are completely respectable. They're the studio musicians of dance.

As a football team, we don't have any backups. We don't consider anybody a backup.

Don't let uncertainty talk you into pursuing a backup plan instead of your purpose.

When you get knocked down, you got to get backup. Otherwise, you are going to lose.

I never got in this to be a 3rd PG, or a backup. Nor did I get into this for money.

I used to want to be a backup singer. Not a lead singer, because I really can't sing.

I can probably go down in history as the best backup point guard ever in NBA history.

If you come in this league, and you're comfortable with being a backup, something's wrong.

I was always in so much of a hurry when I was playing a backup role - just doing everything.

I like to write from scratch most of the time, but I like to have a backup plan just in case.

I will never give up my dream of being a prima ballerina and backup dancer for Justin Timberlake!

And the first flight of the tether satellite happened in '92, and I was the backup on that flight.

Being a backup singer means being able to sing on a dime. Music is oozing out of their every pore.

For me, a dancer is part of an artist's entertainment - 'backup dancer' isn't even in my vocabulary.

I love acting. I had a backup option in writing or direction. But I have gone on to become an actor.

I like to go full bore into something. If you have a backup plan, then you've already admitted defeat.

If I failed in acting, I wanted to have a backup, thus I chose architecture. I learnt painting as well.

The odds are stacked against you becoming a footballer, so my family made sure I always had a backup plan.

I used to read voraciously while in school and cinema was always a fascination. Law was the safe backup plan.

I don't want to sacrifice and be a backup to be a Charger. That's not something I want to do or I'm going to do.

Even though I hated being a backup as a competitor, I embraced my role and I found ways to get better on my own.

On the one blind date I went on, I had a backup. If I texted you the code word, you call and say my dogs are sick.

To be a backup singer, you have to walk into any situation and just be perfect from the first take to the 50th take.

If you aspire to be an actor, go ahead. But do have a backup plan because you can't predict your future in the industry.

I never had a backup plan. I've only been good at one thing. I admire people who are jacks-of-all-trades. That's not me.

It's a very easy thing to say, 'Go get a backup quarterback.' Now tell me where to get them. You just can't dial them up.

I've learned to play you know the backup point guard spot and to play on the wing if need be, and it's something I embrace.

I never had a backup plan. I felt like if I had a backup plan, it was like saying to the universe that I didn't believe in myself.

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