I eat a balanced diet.

Fox is fair and balanced.

I'm for a balanced budget now.

Greed is normally balanced by fear.

I try to eat healthy and be balanced.

How do I stay balanced? On my two feet.

A balanced diet is a cookie in both hands.

Bush has never sent over a balanced budget.

Food is an important part of a balanced diet.

I don't have a firm line on balanced budgets.

I think that 'Fox News' is fair and balanced.

I've always lived a really balanced lifestyle.

The world will be balanced when we are balanced.

I've always eaten well and have a balanced diet.

I am even-tempered and emotionally well balanced

I am part of the load not rightly balanced . . .

It's so hard to keep everything balanced in life.

Tantra is for extremists, but balanced extremists.

The wise are balanced, and the foolish are extreme.

Every budget I have ever prepared has been balanced.

You don't have a balanced life if you don't have art.

I've just got to keep a balanced head and stay focused.

I think I have balanced hosting and acting pretty well.

Food is definitely important part of your balanced diet.

Creativity should be balanced with commercial interests.

My family restores my sense of ease and keeps me balanced.

The force of passion is balanced by the force of interest.

I have a super-balanced life, and I'm a super balanced guy.

Balanced emotions are crucial to intuitive decision making.

I've heard enough of Democrats claiming a balanced approach.

My big, growing family keeps everything balanced and grounded.

Eating insects is good for the environment and balanced diets.

When Bill Clinton was in town, he sent over a balanced budget.

I think sometimes good sentimentality is fun when it's balanced.

Proper exercise and a balanced diet help you lose weight quickly.

If you're not balanced, your mind's not balanced... my fuse went.

More often than not "fair" and "balanced" may be mutually exclusive

I try to keep a balanced diet, but I always leave room for dessert.

But change must always be balanced with some degree of consistency.

My life is not balanced and not everything is perfect all the time.

Just to keep myself balanced, I do things like yoga and meditation.

I feel that entertainment happens when fact and fiction is balanced.

The desire for security must be balanced with our regard for liberty.

Your body can't get stronger or more powerful unless you're balanced.

The permissiveness of society must be balanced with authoritativeness.

For me, suspense doesn't have any value if it's not balanced by humor.

Each of your excursions is balanced by the strengthening of the tonal.

Growing up in the north of Holland, I had a healthy and balanced diet.

Running - it keeps me balanced, energetic, and primed for pasta intake.

I try to always eat a balanced diet. I never try to change it too much.

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