You practice with wet balls all the time.

If there's grass in the field, play ball!

I've kicked a lot of balls over the years.

Agnostics are just atheists without balls.

It takes balls to execute an innocent man.

Got more dirt than ball. Here we go again.

You can never advance the ball on defense.

Ive never met a popcorn ball I didnt like.

Balls are to men what purses are to women.

We want the ball, and we’re going to score

The ball is an essential part of the game.

You have to be able to hit the deep balls.

I put the ball in play. That's what I want.

And if my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle.

I'm sure glad this isn't my home ball park.

The ball must be as slippery as a wet baby.

Speak from the balls, not from the diaphram.

Breaks like a ball falling off a pool table.

Occupied Falklands are the thorn in my balls

Never question the size of Ice Cube's balls!

My motto is, 'When in doubt, shoot the ball'.

I wouldn't say I'm a ball hog. I'm a shooter.

Hitting a ball dead perfect - the only peace.

Receivers have always dropped a lot of balls.

Balls in general are not a good looking item.

As soon as I hit the ball, I know if it's in.

The curse is an incredible set of blue balls.

He sliced the ball when he had it on a plate.

Hit the ball carrier harder than he hits you.

A handball is when your hand touches the ball.

There is no defense against the base on balls.

You can't turn the ball over and expect to win.

I felt a lump in my throat as the ball went in.

I learned all about life with a ball at my feet

When I want a long ball, I spin my hips faster.

You have to learn how to deal with curve balls.

The ball is round, make sure you pass it around

When you control the ball you control the score

The Croatians don't play well without the ball.

It's like carrying a bowling ball! Almost done.

Isn't an agnostic just an atheist without balls?

You can reach stupidity only with a cannon ball.

I always keep a ball in the car. You never know.

It takes some balls to live life to the fullest.

If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.

Y’all dropped the ball and you should be shamed.

The moment I've got a ball at my feet, I'm happy.

Why do all balls look like they're 150 years old?

Maybe I was born to play ball. Maybe I truly was.

No matter what happens, keep on hitting the ball.

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