I feel like a Barbie.

Barbie is just a doll.

I wanted to be Barbie.

I was big time into Barbie.

I was into Barbie and designer jeans.

They probably do have an Asian Barbie.

I enjoy getting dressed as a Barbie doll.

I'm not barbie, and im alright with that.

I am the living Barbie Doll, how are you?

It's hard being a Barbie doll all the time.

Yep, I often lit the barbie with old drafts.

I'm just a Ragetty Anne in a Barbie Doll World

What makes you different, makes you dangerous.

I did a picture for the First Barbie doll box.

Authenticity has never been Barbie's strong suit.

I think they should have a Barbie with a buzz cut.

I'll never be like a Barbie girl, that's for sure.

Stand-up was like being on a Barbie townhouse stage.

I thought the Barbie doll would always be successful.

Yeah my money's so tall that my Barbie's gotta climb it

I loved playing with Barbies - that's why I didn't stop!

I grew up playing with dinosaurs instead of Barbie dolls.

I'm a big Aqua fan. "Barbie Girl" was a big deal growing up.

Barbie always represented the fact that a woman has choices.

If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?

I'm a big Aqua fan. 'Barbie Girl' was a big deal growing up.

When I stand before the throne of God, I shall be judged innocent.

I was never tomboyish. I loved Barbies. It's just the way I grew up.

I had some Barbies, but they were few and far between the mud fights.

I wasn't Barbie-obsessed. I think my mother might have been my Barbie.

The very idea of having children brings out this deep revulsion in me.

And I call Saks Fifth Ave-y home. That is where a real bad Barbie roam.

People are obsessed with actresses being hairless, fatless Barbie dolls.

Barbies, nails, and fashion - I'll take everything in baby pink, please.

I did have a 1977 Barbie, but I was more into stuffed animals than dolls.

The first design I created was a circular skirt for my Barbie when I was 7.

I'm the Barbie, keep alotta plastic. Little pink stars, put em on my jacket.

McDonald's, Barbie - they're all icons, recognizable from London to Timbuktu.

I loved make-believe. I was the child in the cupboard playing with my Barbies.

I was the original voice of Mattels Barbie for an 80s claymation workout video.

Look at you! You look like Rangeman Barbie. You got a gun and everything. -Lula

Barbie is my role modle. She might not do anything, but she looks good doing it.

I was the original voice of Mattel's Barbie for an '80s claymation workout video.

Barbie has always been an inspiration. Dressing her was part of ever girl's dream.

Growing up, my dolls were doctors and on secret missions. I had Barbie Goes Rambo.

I often feel like a character actress trapped inside the mean, aging Barbie's body.

I was always the freaky Asian girl who drew these weird-looking Barbie dolls in class.

If there were mistakes, there were mistakes. But a man has to have a line of work, no?

Barbie's one of those fads whose popularity makes you lose all faith in the human race.

I'm not a Barbie doll, I'm just a multidimensional human being who likes to make things.

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