I'm not into no basketball beef.

There's no crying in basketball!

Offense is not equal opportunity

One lucky shot deserves another.

Being an All-Star is everything.

You're messing up my highlights.

The Spurs are a great WNBA team.

Maybe my pain was my motivation.

Make every day your masterpiece.

I don't watch college basketball.

I want to play basketball so bad.

I'm known as The Big Baryshnikov.

I'm mainstream. Always have been.

I don't watch college basketball.

You can never have enough talent.

We did have three go to the YMCA.

The Miami Heat has the best fans.

The first shot does not beat you.

I think I am upsetting the coach.

The Big Cactus. I will stick you.

You must have a passion to coach.

In college you learn about college

Don't give up. Don't ever give up.

I'll always be Number 1 to myself.

You just stay patient, that's all.

My life is bigger than basketball.

I think I am a smarter player now.

Build shelter against a rainy day.

A team is a fist-not five fingers.

Half Man, Half Sit-Out-The-Season.

All records are made to be broken.

I'm not a big basketball book guy.

I enjoy watching basketball, yeah.

Leadership is action, not position

I don't want to be bulky and stiff.

To be a team, you must be a family.

Can't win without talent, you know.

The rule was "no autopsy, no foul".

The Hall of Fame has strong people.

We don't give 'em no respect..none!

I have my own identity as a player.

I'm George Bush. I'm the president.

I don't usually set personal goals.

You gotta win. That's all it takes.

And winning is a huge thing for me.

Shout praise and whisper criticism.

You can love me or you can hate me.

Endangered species are our friends.

Live in the moment that you are in.

Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game.

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