I'm easy to pick on because I'm a string bean.

When I'm overseas, I suspect I look like Mr. Bean.

My wife just so happens to make an amazing bean dip.

Politics is not bean bags. It's serious, tough stuff.

I make a sensational chicken, chorizo and mung bean stew.

A writer is like a bean plant - he has his little day, and then gets stringy.

I am a Tintin girl and grew up on Archie comics. Then I was introduced to Mr. Bean.

When I graduated high school, I was 6-5 and 305. I think I swallowed a magic bean pill.

Nature also forges man, now a gold man, now a silver man, now a fig man, now a bean man.

And there is a beautiful thing which is wonderful, to look like a woman, not a green bean.

You don't have to become a vegan. You can become a plant-passionate, plant-inspired bean lover!

'Power' is Andy Bean's first television job, ever. Talk about sticking the landing at first go!

I saw Frances Bean at a Blink 182 show. And she was with a guy who looked just like Kurt Cobain.

In Dallas, I eat bean soup and bean pies every day. On Saturdays, I treat myself to a veggie pizza.

When Braniff abandoned stripes, they wound up with a flying jelly bean and that's not a good feeling for passengers.

Mr. Bean is at his best when he is not using words, but I am equally at home in both verbal and nonverbal expression.

Naturally healthy soil can sustain coffee crops for generations to come. All of this contributes to the quality of the bean.

I have this saying: They either want The Bean or they don't want The Bean. I just am my own thing. It works or it doesn't work.

I don't go to any sexy places to eat where they give you half a lamb chop and one bean. I like going, 'Uhhh, I'm done' when I eat.

I especially like to make my own ginkgo soup, bean curd sheet soup, and red bean soup. This way, I can control the sugar portions.

Town meetings are not bean bag. I've had hundreds of them, and sometimes folks get upset. And that's part of America, part of our process.

I cook mostly vegetarian vegetable and bean stews. Quinoa salads. I make my mother-in-law's recipe for chicken and barley stew all the time.

I have always regarded Mr. Bean as a timeless, ageless character, and I would rather he be remembered as a character mostly in his 30s and 40s.

Akshay sir is very good at comedy. He has so much energy in him. He not only expresses with his dialogues but also his body. He is like Mr Bean.

When I was doing Bean more than I've done him in the last few years, I did strange things - like appearing on chat shows in character as Mr. Bean.

It's the difficulty we had with Mr. Bean, actually, when it went from TV to film. You certainly discover that you need to explain more about a character.

I love to bake, so I made vanilla bean and blueberry muffins for sick hospital children. Just kidding! All of that is true except the sick children part.

Mr. Bean is essentially a child trapped in the body of a man. All cultures identify with children in a similar way, so he has this bizarre global outreach.

I feel as though the camera is almost a kind of voyeur in Mr. Bean's life, and you just watch this bizarre man going about his life in the way that he wants to.

I'm famous for splurging at fast-food places. I'm currently obsessed with Taco Bell's bean and cheese burritos with extra green sauce and extra cheese. Gluttony!

My only non-acting job was being a barista at Coffee Bean. While I was in college, and I had a blast! I loved making drinks because I got to be like a mad scientist.

My wife gave me a year to start making money out of writing, and after six months, I'd made not a bean. Suddenly, the books took off, and the beans started coming in!

If we're all talking about something that doesn't matter, it can be bean talk. If we're talking about something that we're talking about together, it could be bean talk.

I'm very pleased with being a part of the Bean Pole family. It's a relationship that makes sense to me. I'm very pleased to have my name associated with Bean Pole Jeans.

Okra is the closest thing to nylon I've ever eaten. It's like they bred cotton with a green bean. Okra, tastes like snot. The more you cook it, the more it turns into string.

I got left for Mr. Bean. I found out a year after we split up. I opened the newspaper and there was a full-page story. No one else in the history of time has ever been left for Mr. Bean.

There's too many people in seats of power who just haven't got a clue what they're doing. They're bean counters, and it just pisses me off because consequently our kids go to see crap movies.

Sometimes people feel really trapped by the body that they have. Women are told, 'You have this body shape; you're a pear or string bean, and you can't change the way you look.' That's just not true.

You know, the funny thing about Lorne and that show is that, you can go over one million things, but in a business of bean counters, he still likes to laugh at small things and creates a show around it.

Until you get left for Mr. Bean, you don't realise how frequently he pops up. There's a shop two streets from my house that sells masks of his face. There's nowhere where I'm going to go that he's not there.

One night in a club in Boston, I tried the name Roger Duck. No laughs. The next night, I tried Orson Bean, putting together a pompous first name and a silly second name. I got laughs, so I decided to keep it.

I have gotten a couple of letters meant for Mr. Bean aka Rowan Atkinson. These letters would say things like, 'You're so funny, you make me laugh, with your big rubbery face,' and I would say, 'You can't mean me!'

When I grew up, one of comedy idols was Rowan Atkinson, who of course is Mr. Bean and uses physical comedy. Same with Jim Carrey. Both of those guys. And Peter Sellers. Most of my comedy idols are physical comics.

A soup manufacturer uses the same colors and design on every label to catch the consumer's eye and assure her that she's getting brand-name quality, whether she's buying bean soup or corn chowder or cream of tomato.

I've grown so accustomed to my life in L.A., going to a Coffee Bean or getting breakfast at Kings Road Cafe. I've seen a lot of the world, but the diversity we have here is different. It's a mishmash, which is a nice comfort.

Canned chickpeas are my tried-and-true pantry fallback for those days where I get home late with no game plan and no energy to cook. More than just about any other canned bean, they retain their shape and texture really well.

Charles Bean is a brilliant director. I come in with an idea and try to do it, but I fall on my face. And then, he says, 'Wait a minute, there was a little moment in there. Let's try that moment and expand in that direction.'

I did a pilot for Fox years ago called 'Faceless,' with Sean Bean. I always thought it was such a cool show because it was really raw. I thought we were pushing it. This was back at a time before there was the 'cable standard.'

For the Gulf States, perhaps no forage crop of which the available seed supply is relatively abundant exceeds the velvet bean in potential value. This legume possesses also the ability to make a crop when planted relatively late.

You want two-thirds of that plate to be consisting of vegetables, whole grains and fruits, with one-third of it protein. That protein can be a bean - black beans, chick peas, lentils. It can be a lean protein, like fish or poultry.

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