A beautiful problem is no joke!

You're beautiful in your wrath.

I shut my eyes in order to see.

God-forsaken is beautiful, too.

The beautiful is always severe.

A scary but yet beautiful smile

Beautiful things are different.

Hawaii is absolutely beautiful.

Lamb is such a beautiful thing.

Unbeing dead isn't being alive.

I have found life so beautiful.

I invent nothing, I rediscover.

It's a sad and beautiful world.

Lisbon is incredibly beautiful.

Beautiful things spoil nothing.

Silence is the mother of truth.

Thom Yorke has a beautiful brain

I want to be silverly beautiful.

I have a beautiful, big bathtub.

Beautiful hours move so quickly.

Glee has made me feel beautiful.

Fill a space in a beautiful way.

The beautiful is always bizarre.

My life is a beautiful struggle.

All girls should feel beautiful.

Life in California is beautiful.

I see Earth! It is so beautiful.

You're beautiful, like a May fly.

Truth is most beautiful undraped.

You cannot be beautiful and hate.

Childhood is messy and beautiful.

Everyone is beautiful to someone.

The beautiful is never plentiful.

The church is something beautiful

If I die, what a beautiful death.

Youth is life's beautiful moment.

You are beautiful and you matter.

My future is bright and beautiful.

My daughter was a beautiful child.

Life is hard but so very beautiful

I'm pretty, but I'm not beautiful.

I'm not beautiful; I clean up nice.

Always remember, you are beautiful.

Be like snow - cold, but beautiful.

Beautiful people do not just happen

Success is beautiful and dangerous.

Being truthful is the new beautiful

The only journey is the one within.

Beautiful things make people happy.

I gave life, and that is beautiful.

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