Big is not beautiful. Big is inefficient.

A beautiful friendship can change people.

Scenery is here. Wish you were beautiful.

Everything looks beautiful in Life of Pi.

And sometimes when you fall... you fly...

Anyone can grow into something beautiful.

Well, I am an extremely beautiful person.

We do not write as we want, but as we can.

It's a beautiful life, just as advertised.

Expiring for love is beautiful but stupid.

Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt.

Only the rational and useful is beautiful.

You've got every right to a beautiful life

Type should be beautiful — Screw readable!

Life is beautiful because it doesn't last.

I am lucky. I had a very beautiful mother.

Never compare yourself to beautiful girls.

She was lost in her longing to understand.

Even with all my wrinkles! I am beautiful!

When you learn, teach, when you get, give.

None but the brave and beautiful can love.

I've seen some very beautiful drag queens.

I can find something beautiful in everyone

A beautiful face is a mute recommendation.

All I want to do is make people beautiful.

My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece

Games are nature's most beautiful creation

I'm no beauty queen, I'm just beautiful me

Nothing is more beautiful than to know all.

I love nudity. And I love beautiful shapes.

Nature is beautiful, but not always pretty.

Even the most beautiful legs end somewhere.

Nothing can be beautiful which is not true.

What is beautiful is a joy for all seasons.

you have the right to live a beautiful life

You are beautiful, no matter what they say.

Gazing on beautiful things acts on my soul.

Just be yourself, it means to be beautiful.

Everything is beautiful. Pop is everything.

Art is the most beautiful deception of all!

Life is absolutely, mysteriously beautiful.

New York City has the most beautiful women.

Your fantasies are unlikely. But beautiful.

Every day in life is beautiful...every day!

Back home the black women are all beautiful

Make it smart. Make it beautiful. Have fun.

The moment of twilight is simply beautiful.

Black as night and as beautiful as forever.

Beautiful thoughts, build a beautiful soul.

Love is very beautiful, but very, very sad.

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