economy spoils pleasure

Rich with the spoils of time.

No praying, it spoils business.

Rich with the spoils of nature.

Beautiful things spoil nothing.

I spoil the hell out of my kids.

Knowledge often spoils devotion.

Too many proofs spoil the truth.

The victor belongs to the spoils.

Admiration spoils all from infancy.

Do not spoil the wonder with haste!

...don't spoil my learning process!

Pick the day. Enjoy it– to the hilt.

Dont spoil reputation with too speaking.

If you speak the truth, you spoil the game.

It bothers me when people spoil the market.

Making comparisons can spoil your happiness.

Nothing spoils a confession like repentance.

To the victor belong the spoils of the enemy.

He who acts, spoils; he who grasps, lets slip.

Don't spoil a good story by telling the truth.

Being smart spoils a lot of things, doesn't it?

We drink one another's health and spoil our own.

The greater the battle - the greater the spoils.

That question is too good to spoil with an answer.

One must spoil as many canvases as one succeeds with.

To understand the stars would spoil their appearance.

Company, villainous company, hath been the spoil of me.

I can proudly say that I didn't spoil my father's name.

Success didn't spoil me, I've always been insufferable.

You can't let one bad moment spoil a bunch of good ones.

Minds are like oysters. They spoil if you pry them open.

The Islamists will try to spoil everything for everyone.

You communicate for a better tommorow, not to spoil today.

If you find a perfect church don't join it: You'd spoil it.

A sense of responsibility would spoil her. She's too pretty.

I am a hopeless romantic and I love to spoil my girlfriends.

If you throw stones in mud, it will only spoil your clothes.

We must end welfare programs that devalue men and spoil women.

Spare the child and spoil the rod, I am not sellin' myself to god.

Indecency in anything spoils it. And modesty in anything adorns it.

I'll let criticism spoil breakfast, but I don't let it affect my lunch.

I believe in the old warrior's credo that "to the victor go the spoils."

My brother and I have too good a relationship to spoil it by working together.

If it were possible for me to alter any part of his plan, I could only spoil it.

I do miss having someone to spoil, somebody that you can just sit with for a bit.

I like girls, but I prefer having a girlfriend. I like having someone I can spoil.

I think that money spoils most things, once it becomes the primary motivating force.

Governing a great nation is like cooking a small fish - too much handling will spoil it.

If I get to spoil myself, I'm going to DQ. I always had it growing up, so I stick to it.

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