What's scary in life is not what people know (or don't know), but ...

What's scary in life is not what people know (or don't know), but what they know that ain't so.

Life is scary.

Hype is scary.

I love scary films.

'Batman' was scary.

I love scary movies.

Worship With Your Vote.

Acting is bloody scary.

A house is kind of scary.

Kissing is kind of scary.

I have a scary side of me.

I don't like scary movies.

The unknown is very scary.

Performing was terrifying.

Jealousy is a scary thing.

I'm scared of scary movies.

Bambi, to a kid, was scary.

It's a scary word, 'cancer.'

Mariah Carey is kinda scary.

Writing is inherently scary.

What difference does it make?

I feel happy to terrify kids.

Marriage is scary to me, man.

I'm very scary. I'm a menace.

The deep sea is a scary world.

I find celebrity really scary.

Know what you're talking about.

A scary but yet beautiful smile

Excuse me, scary people. (Alix)

Know what you are talking about.

I loved scary movies growing up.

Darkness at Blacklands is scary.

You cannot pray them out of hell.

Scary things are good, aren't they?

For most people, tweeting is scary.

I don't like scary movies (laughs).

People are what are scary...people.

Nothin’s real scary except in books.

Putting your work out there is scary!

Decision-making is very scary for me.

Whatever you do....don't fall asleep.

Punisher is scary; he should be scary.

Solitude terrifies the soul at twenty.

Rights come from God and only from God.

You look as scary as a buttered muffin.

Better a pink bottom than a black soul.

Homosexuality is the handiwork of Satan.

Love me or hate me, Scary Spice is back.

I am not a scary movie/book kind of gal.

Learning how to drive was a scary thing.

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